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Gun Buyback Gives IOUs totaling $170,000


“One Less Gun” was the name of a huge gun buyback held in Oakland recently. So many weapons were turned in that Oakland Police ran out of cash and had to issue vouchers, or IOU’s to hundreds of people. Some say the event was a huge success, but others believe it was all a big waste of time and money.

Criminals are not turning in their guns. And:

“Two cars in front of me when we pulled in, four guys got out and starting unloading literally boxes filled with guns,” said Kerns. “At one point, a guy was walking up and down the line of cars saying ‘If anyone has an assault rifle, I’ll give you $300 for it. Don’t take $250, I’ll give you $300.'”

7 Responses to “Gun Buyback Gives IOUs totaling $170,000”

  1. Kris Says:

    This is my favorite quote

    “Is there empirical data to prove this is successful? No,” said State Senator Don Perata.
    Perata helped organize the Oakland buyback, after he was the victim of an armed carjacking late last year. He turned in his own .357 magnum at the buyback, but still keeps a shotgun at home for protection.
    “A lot of guns aren’t purchased at a gun store. They’re stolen in a robbery. They’re inadvertently left where a child could bring it to school or out on the street. And so the theory of getting as many guns out of the community as possible, I think, holds up,” said Perata.

    So you’re saying there’s no evidence this works, but because you think it might work, it makes sense?

    Actually this is the same logic I used in junior high school during basketball games. If I THOUGHT hard enough that the other team would miss a basket, surely they WOULD!

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    “What you will typically see are very old revolvers that have been sitting in somebody’s nightstand, or old hunting rifles that had been up over the fireplace for generations. These are not the guns that criminals use,” said Guy Smith, an anti-gun control activist and Alameda author.

    Anti-gun control activist? Well there’s absolutely no bias at Always Broadcast Communism, is there?

  3. Sebastian Says:

    “I had a gun that was my grandfather’s and it was not anything that I used. It was old. It was an automatic from the World War II era,” said Tim Kerns, a gun buyback participant.

    This pains me. THat gun was probably worth a hell of a lot more than $250. These things should be in the hands of collectors, not end up destroyed. That the Oakland police will destroy these is a tragedy.

  4. straightarrow Says:

    Don’t worry about that. The keepers will find their way into private, but blue hands.

  5. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Gun buybacks work great! They only affect the law-abiding, who give up their guns, which makes life easier for our Marxist/warrior/hero/criminals, who aren’t about to give up their tools of the trade. State Senator Don Perata is a good Communist! He’s helping to destroy capitalism and bring down America!”

  6. Linoge Says:

    The guy going up and down the line of cars had the right idea… You probably could have found some damned good deals for $300 that day.

  7. Standard Mischief Says:

    # Linoge Says:

    The guy going up and down the line of cars had the right idea… You probably could have found some damned good deals for $300 that day.

    All of the “gun-buybacks” around here are down in DC proper, where you can’t have anything pretty much. I had a friend bring a crappy rusty shotgun to one where they were only paying for handguns. They didn’t pay and they wouldn’t let her take it home either.

    Needless to say, perhaps only the VPC with it’s DC FFL could walk the row and pay real cash for worthy guns.

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