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Courier-Journal on the NRA convention:

More than 70,000 gun enthusiasts are expected at the May 16-18 convention, which the NRA decided four years ago to hold here.

Mayor Jerry Abramson said the city and its hotels, restaurants and stores stand to get an economic boost of $15 million to $20 million from the gathering.

So, if the Brady Campaign held an event there, how many people and how much bling would they bring in?

6 Responses to “Bling”

  1. Bitter Says:

    I think the more important information would be the percentage of supporters. If one of their sugar daddies funded it, they could probably round up a few thousand people. However, that would be almost all of their supporters. We’re still looking at an additional 2.9-3.9 million members who won’t be there and another 30 million who think they are members who won’t be there.

    Random thought: Is there even a convention center and city that could hold the NRA meeting if even 15% of the membership showed up? I would assume Vegas would be the only option at that point. Even using the Josh Sugarmann numbers, that’s more than 400K.

  2. Bitter Says:

    I looked and it would appear Vegas could house the appropriately sized up exhibit hall and side events at the Convention Center and other venues in the city. However, they only have 136,000 hotel rooms. That means even if everybody shared a room with one other person and no one other than NRA members came to town, we still couldn’t fit in Vegas. That’s pretty amazing if you think about it.

  3. Kevin Baker Says:

    You know the joke Uncle:

    NRA members are going to show up in Louisville with the 10 Commandments in one hand and a $20 bill in the other, and when they leave they won’t have broken either one!

    Because we’re bitter and cling to guns and religion!

  4. ATLien Says:


    How about some Bennigan’s coupons and a sack full of gum?

  5. Linoge Says:

    I wonder if the gun-grabbers, anti-rights folks, and hoplophobes in America understand the full economic impact of what they would like to have happen… Considering how the country’s economy is going these days, I think trying to shut down a multi-million (if not -billion) dollar industry is more than a little stupid.

  6. Chas Says:

    “So, if the Brady Campaign held an event there, how many people and how much bling would they bring in?”

    They simply don’t do that, which speaks volumes. Astroturf organization have a “real” event? Why? Wouldn’t make any sense. Who would want to show up for a “gun show” featuring empty tables? That’s what the Batty Center stands for and why they’re “batty”. They stand for nothing. Who wants to support nothing? Real people want real guns because real guns really work. A simple pistol can be the difference between nightmare and salvation. The Batty Center is the difference between nothing.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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