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Red’s Trading Post to go to trial

News at Ryan’s:

US District Court Judge Edward J. Lodge has denied the BATFE’s request for summary judgment in our case and has moved it on to trial.

Ryan is excited.

4 Responses to “Red’s Trading Post to go to trial”

  1. Cactus Jack Says:

    Good! Maybe the BATF will get the slapdown that they deserve.

  2. Dustin Says:

    Good news. I hope the BATFE will be taught that it should not take away a FFL based on minor “infractions” of paperwork policy, such as placing a Y on a form instead of a Yes.

  3. Robert Says:

    Good. Drag those vampires out into the light. Unless they get a judge like they did with the Davidians, some justice might get done.

    Sorry business. Bad for the country.

  4. John Hardin Says:

    One hopes the court will award compensatory damages for all the crap they’ve had to go through.

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