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And like that, he was gone. One of my poker buddies dead at age 25. Played Tuesday. Dead Wednesday. Tragic. Just a kid. Makes you think, though.

11 Responses to “Dead”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Wow, sorry to hear that. A sober reminder, that’s for sure.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Man, no shit.

    Sorry for your loss.

  3. F-Stop Says:

    Damn, sorry to hear that Uncle.

    Lot of unexpected death this week. My best bud’s grandmother died on Saturday; she was sort of grandmother to me to, as me and my pal go back to middle school. Sweetest lady.

  4. countertop Says:

    My condolences.

    Be careful out there people, and live every day to its fullest.

  5. DirtCrashr Says:

    Holy crap! My condolences to his family.

  6. Michael Hawkins Says:

    How are you holding up?

    I generally don’t mourn the dead, they are better off than we are for all we know; but 25?

    Must be an awefull shock to his familly.

  7. SayUncle Says:

    i’m fine. taken aback. we weren’t that close. saw each other every couple of weeks or so.

  8. Dustin Says:

    My condolences.

  9. Robert Says:

    With any luck, you will see a lot more of this in your life.

    I’m much older, and I have seen folks I know go into the void in increasing numbers. Happy to wake up each day and still be able to pet the cat, hug the girlfriend and footwalk around in the world another day.

    God Bless him, and all the survivors.

  10. Ride Fast Says:

    Damn, thats terrible. My condolences.

  11. _Jon Says:

    I’ve got a buddy who is 25 and in the AF.
    His most recent test results showed high blood pressure and heart issues.
    His response was “I’m not taking pills. I’m 25, there is no way there is something wrong with me.”

    Well, this post will serve as a reminder to him that at 25, there can be things wrong.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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