When it comes to gun laws, the enthusiast acts at his peril
That’s the lesson Robb is learning with respect to suppressors. I have a hard time understanding why he’d have to be fingerprinted four times. Here in Tennessee, LEO approval is required by law within 15 days unless you are a prohibited person. And you only get printed once.
November 15th, 2007 at 10:33 am
Hyperbole. When I joined the Marines, I was fingerprinted. When I got my CCW, I was fingerprinted. To build a suppressor, I’d need to be fingerprinted. I figured they’d throw in an extra fingerprinting because it’d piss me off.
November 15th, 2007 at 12:11 pm
What is this fingerprint nonsense? Go the trust route already, this isn’t the 80s.
November 15th, 2007 at 9:02 pm
People without honor assume everyone else is. Therefore they do not believe in the honor system because they know they, themselves, cannot be trusted. These people always think they are normal, so they expect everyone to act as they would. Hence all the prior restraint and intimidation for everyone, except themselves, of course.
November 15th, 2007 at 9:03 pm
Because they are “special” normal.
November 16th, 2007 at 3:23 pm
Government employees are great at losing fingerprints.
My mom helped one of her co-workers take a relative to the INS to be fingerprinted for a citizenship application on the third and fourth attempts. This office lost the relatives prints three times before the application would be sent up.
My wife is contractor with the department of defense and had her prints taken three times, losing the first two before her security application went up.
You should count yourself lucky that your family has not had this experience a dozen times.