Archive for July, 2007

July 20, 2007

Bill Cavala – still a genius

When last we saw ol’ Bill, he was busy pulling some major boners about how it would require an absolute criminal mastermind to figure out how to use a file. That was idiotic. Now, he’s both idiotic and a liar (but don’t rule out just plain stupid):

The NRA et. al. filed lawsuits saying the government did not have the right to do so because of the prohibition of the Second Amendment to the Federal Constitution which establishes the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

The Parker case was brought by Cato and not the NRA.

Back in the 1930’s, the US Supreme Court opinioned (sic) that the “right to keep and bear arms” was a right held by State Militias and not individual citizens.

They did? I’d love to see that case. Oh, you don’t mention the case. Why? Oh, because someone will look up US v. Miller and realize that miller rules no such thing.

For the last 80 years, guns zealots have argued that the Court’s interpretation was wrong – that the Founder’s intent was to protect the gun in each American’s home.

Actually, they do not. They state (correctly) that Miller did not decide whether or not the second amendment applied only to states. After all, the court did not ask Is Miller a state? and then drop it once they determined that some guy was, in fact, not a state.

I didn’t really read the rest since the entire opening is full of lies. I’m sure there’s plenty more stupidity.

NBC on Black Rifles – 2

In an update to this video, some notes:

I thought they showed some of Oleg’s work and I was right. I don’t know that Oleg targets women but they’re in a lot of his pics.

Also, while I said earlier the article wasn’t full of pant-shitting hysteria, they did pull some real boners. But mostly those boners were the result of taking dictation from the Violence Policy Center. A pistol grip does not facilitate firing from the hip. A standard stock is much more suited to that. But if you’re firing from the hip, you’re also not aiming.

The magazine shown is not a high-capacity mag. It is a regular capacity mag. Here’s a high capacity mag.

And let’s get this out of they way: they’re not known in the trade as black rifles. They’re known as AR-15s. On some gun boards, they started referring to AR-15s as Evil Black Rifles to poke fun of the assault weapons ban, which seemed to target rifles that were black.

I was surprised they got a woman and someone who is a mother/professional as the gun person and not some dude in fatigues.

These weapons are not military style. Military style weapons are machine guns.

The popularity of AR-15s increased during the ban on weapons that looked like assault weapons. The ban only limited the aesthetic features rifles could have and people were still buying them. When the ban sunset, people (of course) wanted no-ban versions.

Kristen Rand lies through her teeth when she says AR-15s are designed for the battlefield. M-16s are but their semi-auto cousin is not. Also, her assertion that these are cop-killers (no doubt based on the VPC’s non-study) has pretty thoroughly been debunked by some smart cracker.

July 19, 2007

NBC on Black Rifles

Not too bad. It did use the VPC talking point of military style, which is misleading. And Rand lied (nothing new). But it was mostly devoid of pants-shitting hysterics.

I’ll have more later once I find it on youtube.

Update: Via Les. Here you go:

More on those Boston papers (they all look the same, ya know)

In an update to the bit on what The Boston Herald left out of the story comes this:

Via Glenn and Tim in comments (whose google-fu is stronger than mine), no disclosure at The Globe either. Why don’t they mention the involvement of an anti-gun group’s president with their reporter? Oops.

Set TiVos to stun

Reader Chris emails:

You may want to watch NBC Nightly News tonight with Brian Williams.

There is a segment on black rifles and whether to ban them.

Update: Oh and let’s start a betting pool on how long (measured in seconds) after the segment airs that it’s on youtube. I say 90.

What’s missing from this story?

This story (h/t David) notes:

A major pro-gun group took aim at award-winning Boston Globe business columnist Steve Bailey yesterday, saying he violated federal law while researching a 2005 anti-gun column and should be fired.

The Second Amendment Foundation, which is based in Bellevue, Wash., said it sent a letter to Globe Editor Martin Baron yesterday citing previously undisclosed details about the column, which described a gun purchase.

Bailey provided new details of the purchase Tuesday on former House Speaker Tom Finneran’s WRKO AM-680 radio show. Bailey said he gave a New Hampshire man money to buy a gun at a gun show and expensed it to the Globe.

Second Amendment Foundation founder Alan Gottlieb said: “Bailey admitted to committing a federal felony on live radio, and he also involved the Boston Globe in his criminal enterprise by having them reimburse him for the illegal purchase. He claims he gave the gun back to the New Hampshire man, and doesn’t know where it is now. Bailey’s admission is simply outrageous.”

They do not mention in the story that the president of an anti-gun group was also involved in the illegal straw purchase:

During the show a reporter, Steve Bailey of the Boston Globe, explained how he and Rosenthal had attended a gun show in New Hampshire over a year ago. The trip was supposed to prove how easy it was for criminals to buy a handgun in New Hampshire. They actually found that it was not possible to do so without violating several laws.

Rosenthal explained that when he tried to purchase a handgun from a licensed dealer, he was told he could not because he was not a resident of New Hampshire. Bailey and Rosenthal then explained how they brought a New Hampshire resident with them, supposedly a prison guard, who was able to pass the background checks and purchase the gun for them. Bailey even stated on Finneran’s show that the Boston Globe paid for the gun. When asked by the hosts of the show if he had committed a straw purchase, Rosenthal admitted that he had indeed conducted a straw purchase to prove a point.

Might be an important detail.

Update: To be clear, it’s the Boston Herald that did not mention it. I haven’t found the original Globe article yet. In an email to Glenn, I typed Globe instead of Herald. It was a mistake and not an attempt to lambaste the Globe. I notified Glenn of that once I saw that he said The Globe and not The Herald. It’s an important detail to leave out that a paper (even a rival) is rather cushy with an anti-gun group, which was my point. My point was not that The Globe didn’t mention it.

Update 2: Can it be both? A good summary of the story so far.

Update 3: Via Glenn and Tim in comments (whose google-fu is stronger than mine), no disclosure here at The Globe. Why don’t they mention the involvement of an anti-gun group’s president? Oops.

In the news today…

Today we learn that “Producing 2.2lb of beef generates as much greenhouse gas as driving a car non-stop for three hours.”

“Su Taylor, the press officer for the Vegetarian Society, told New Scientist: “Everybody is trying to come up with different ways to reduce carbon footprints, but one of the easiest things you can do is to stop eating meat.”

Hmmm….the Vegetarian Society cares about Global Warming? Who knew?

In other news, we see at the Huffington Puffington Post, Generation Chickenhawk: the Unauthorized College Republican Convention Tour. Max Blumenthal has a video piece on “a vivid portrait of the hypocritical mentality of the next generation of Republican leaders.” The Chickenhawk paradox is one of the great philosophical debates of all time. Perhaps the great philosopher Toby Keith will write a song about the bravery of our protesters. They are the real patriots aren’t they?

Blumenthal makes an interesting point, why should we be fighting them “over there”? Which makes you wonder if Blumenthal would prefer that we fight them “over here”? Whether or not you agree with Max Blumenthal no one can doubt his courage.

Taser & Background Checks

Insty is talking Tasers and self defense. And Tasers are for sale on Amazon. I noticed the seller says:

Before activation customer must pass a felony background check with a separate cost of $9.99.

Found it odd.

Update: From the NYT article:

As for people using Tasers while committing crimes, executives have designed an elaborate system to activate the gun, including a required background check over the phone.

Over the phone? Doesn’t seem very effective.

Parker Poll updated

Based on the poll, with 284 votes, seems just over half of you think that the court will take the case, rule there is an individual right subject to reasonable restrictions, and note that DC’s laws are stupid.

In second place, legal wrangling and more of the same.

And a respectable third is they won’t take the case.

I think that settles it

Remember the lady cop in Marble Falls who had her AR-15 magazine in backward? Then we argued about whether that was the case or not due to the pic? Well, looks like it was, in fact, backwards. The picture is fairly clear and the video shows how easy it is to do.

Via Joe.

A helpless people

In England, there is almost no distinction between pepper spray and a rocket launcher.

Victim of gun violence



That’s what Canada’s gun registry cost. Since its inception:

Canada’s homicide rate and number of gang-related murders has increased since the federal government’s firearms registry and licensing program was implemented, an indication that the program has failed to improve public safety, according to Hubris in the North, The Canadian Firearms Registry, a new report from independent research organization The Fraser Institute.

Shocking. Like Tam Marko said:

When someone asks you about licensing and registration, pick up a pen and a sheet of paper. Tear the paper in half and hand half to your questioner. Say “Okay, this pen is a gun. The paper I’m holding is my license and the paper you’re holding is the registration. Using only these two pieces of paper, explain to me just how you are going to keep me from shooting someone?

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown Returns

She’s back. And this time, quite helpful.

Quote of the day

Diane Sawyer:

You know, I wanted to sit on a jury once and I was taken off the jury. And the judge said to me, ‘Can, you know, can you tell the truth and be fair?’ And I said, ‘That’s what journalists do.’ And everybody in the courtroom laughed. It was the most hurtful moment I think I’ve ever had.

Dude, free holsters

TN Gun Owners reports:

Fobus USA is currently offering a FREE paddle, double mag holder, with the purchase of one of their three, new style paddle holsters. The double mag holders have a list price of $24.00. Buying a $29.95 holster and getting a $24.00 mag holder free sounds like a good deal to me. Check it out at They say “FOR A LIMITED TIME”.

More Parker Stuff

The WaPo thinks that banning handguns completely and requiring that long guns to be disassembled and otherwise in an unusable state is a reasonable restriction.


Washington, D.C., residents who oppose the city’s strict handgun control law urged the Supreme Court on Wednesday to move along, without delay, the city government’s appeal of a federal appeals court striking down that law under the Second Amendment. Invoking the half-century old admonitions of the late Justice Felix Frankfurter, the local citizens told the Court that it should not be difficult for city lawyers to promptly prepare their petition for review.

The challengers to the local law told the Court that they”look forward” to supporting Supreme Court review of the case, but argued that the city’s appeal papers should be filed, as now scheduled, “no later than Aug. 6.”

The city on Monday asked Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., for a 30-day extension of the time to file the city’s petition in the case of District of Columbia, et al., v. Heller, et al. (extension application 07A51). The city argued that it had taken on additional attorneys who needed to become familiar with the issues, and that city officials had only recently decide actually to appeal the case.

Stalling already?

David Hardy notes Parker is off and rolling:

DC’s motion is quite weak. Basically (1) they took two months to decide whether to file, which now leaves them about a month to go, and it’s complex, so give us another month and (2) we’ve taken on some outside attorneys and they need to get up to speed.

Plaintiffs’ response hits hard. A petition for cert. hardly takes the research of a brief on the merits (here it almost writes itself: conflict between 5th and DC Circuits and the other CIrcuits, on a major constitutional issue. Respectfully submitted, (insert your name)).

July 18, 2007

Gun Porn

1920 with a suppressor. Odd.

Parker Poll

Giuliani & Authoritarianism

Ya know, me and metulj have agreed on one issue and that was that Bulleit is good bourbon. Now we agree that Giuliani is an authoritarian prick:

Giuliani is all about cracking down. It doesn’t matter what, who, or how. His MO is the wholesale application of every instrument of the law and he is willing to marshal the minions to make it happen.

Ban lying! For the children

It seems that if you repeat anti-gun lies, someone will fall for them. Particularly, teenagers trying to purchases illegal submachine guns on the internet. Why not try? Politicos and anti-gunnies have told them they could do that.


What media bias?

Guns don’t kill people

Philly does.

In other news, I thought I was the only one who named their son after the inventor of the first portable machine gun and the mousetrap.

Gun free zones


More Parker Stuff

Xrlqy Wrlqy:

Yes, a Supreme Court ruling that DC’s total handgun ban and extreme “safe” storage law violate the Second Amendment would indeed apply to the entire country, either immediately after Parker or as soon as a substantially identical case from a state made its way through the courts. But think about it: how many states (or cities within states) can you name that take their gun control to anywhere near the level that DC does? I can only think of one major city, Chicago, along with a few of its suburbs. New York City has a rather Byzantine licensing scheme that arguably operates as a de facto ban, so let’s count them too. That’s two whole cities, plus a few suburbs, that DeBonis describes as “the rest of the country.” That could really suck for Fenty later in his career if he moves to New York or Chicago to run for mayor there. Otherwise, not so much.


But its possible, just possible, that he’s going to appeal this only to give DC more time to develop a new gun control measure and then drop the case later on.

Shooting clays

Tennessee kids are good at it.

TN Gun Owners

There’s a new (to me) message board/community site called Tennessee Gun Owners. Check it out.

Pro-gun dems

The Amendment II Democrats say no thanks:

Take a look at the Senate, for example. No less than eight of Obama’s fellow Democrats in the Senate are now opposed to any nationwide ban on semi-automatics, thanks to the 2006 elections. And public support for such a ban has been slipping over the years, even among rank-and-file Democratic activists.

If Obama wants to tackle violence against our children, that is a worthwhile project. But restricting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans in order to do so is a deal-breaker.


Australia is calling for citizens to make go-bags.

July 17, 2007

Dealing with criminals

Chris has a good read on how to deal with potentially violent situations, including seven “danger signs” for homicidal escalation in the commission of a crime.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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