Archive for May, 2007

May 22, 2007

Curious about the amnesty immigration bill?

It has more working parts than the Space Shuttle. Truth Laid Bare writes “Immigration Bill: Bigger Than The Bible, Not Nearly As Enlightened”. It is 326 pages of Rube Goldberg inspired confusion.

If you dare, more can be learned here and here. Good luck.

the sign said long-haired freaky people need not apply

An update on the guns in parks/public buildings bill in Tennessee:

Frank Nicley (sic) gun bill was given a 90 thousand dollar fiscal note (for signs to tell people that they can carry in all the parks)and was sent back to budget sub. from calender committee.

Now, I support allowing people to carry on state/city owned property. But the signs idea is really stupid. I think AC was right:

I’ll tell you what the point of the sign is and it is not about protecting anyone. If there is a provision for a sign there has to be an outlay of money to pay for the sign giving the powers that be one more chance to kill the bill in the Finance Committee. That’s all that was — nothing more.

Could be. I could see someone saying: I supported the bill but the mean ol’ state wouldn’t pay for signs!

No recourse

Victims of police raids on the wrong house have no recourse:

Neither ruling is consistent with a society that allegedly values individual rights, even without the express protections offered by the Fourth Amendment. This ruling in particular evokes Justice Scalia’s flp (sic) aside in Hudson that the only purpose of requiring the police to give notice is to avoid the harm of “being seen in one’s night clothes.” That the Supreme Court can continue to issue rulings like this one in spite of the Fourth Amendment shows that the Castle Doctrine, freedom from unreasonable search, and privacy in general are all but dead in this country.

Party pooper

Well, joining is easier than thinking.

Conversations after a few bourbons

My brother in law on his six foot eight, 300 pound friend:

It’s the damnedest thing. That big ol’ boy has phobias of clowns, midgets, and spiders. Seriously, that dude would totally loose his mind if an eight-legged clown midget said boo. Not me, though. I fear the things you’re supposed to fear. Like my daughter one day becoming a stripper.

Alrighty, then.

What media bias?


Last week a legally armed and alert citizen prevented a multiple murderer from fleeing the scene of his armed robbery, pinning him until police could arrive. Note how the USA Today story makes Mr. Chappell sound more like a bystander than one of the heroes of the piece.

Seems another failure to mention an armed citizen intervening has surfaced in the Idaho shootings:

On the positive side, if you can call it that, we found out who the wounded citizen is. He is a mechanical engineering student here at UI, and when he heard gunshots he grabbed his “semi-automatic .45 pistol” and ran outside to try to help. He didn’t get a chance to return fire before he was wounded.

As of yet, I’ve seen no mention of this in the press. Meanwhile, Lyle informs us that the shooter did not use an SKS (as reported in the press) but had an M1A and some sort of AK variant. He also notes:

According to the police chief, the guy had been convicted of domestic violence, had tried suicide earlier and failed, had been involuntarily committed to a mental facility.

Another prohibited crazy person gets a gun.

Finding treasure

I’m with Kevin, I’ve never seen it either. It seems that in U.S. v. Rock Island Armory (C.D.Ill.1991), the court ruled that:

In sum, since enactment of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(o), the Secretary has refused to accept any tax payments to make or transfer a machinegun made after May 19, 1986, to approve any such making or transfer, or to register any such machinegun. As applied to machineguns made and possessed after May 19, 1986, the registration and other requirements of the National Firearms Act, Chapter 53 of the Internal Revenue Code, no longer serve any revenue purpose, and are impliedly repealed or are unconstitutional.

Even better, the .gov decided not to appeal because they knew they would lose. Short version: taxing is OK but banning is not.

Gun Porn

Hi Power.

Rifles he can’t afford.

Gunner wants to pimp his AK. A comment I tried to leave is that the Tapco folder stock is not real pleasant to shoot. Also, before firing it with the stock folded, make sure that the stock sits below the charging handle. Some times they don’t and, when you fire, I’ve heard of people having their stocks knocked off.

SayUncle: Sick

You know, when the likes of a nanny-state prick like Bloomberg call my kind sick, I take it as the greatest compliment ever. But then, he called the largest police organization in the United States fringe. You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

My terrorist badge

I may have to get one of these shirts. You know, for when I fly.


To reader Robert for winning the Texas State Rifle Association Highpower Rifle Championship.

May 21, 2007

Camera Crazy UK gets a Flying Camera

The UK is looking more Orwellian. Flying cameras? I wonder if this is a natural progression from having banned firearms and the current consideration of banning knives?

Ian Readhead, deputy chief constable of Hampshire Police, said Britain could face an Orwellian situation with cameras on every street corner. However, senior officers in Merseyside, who are trialling the drone, said they did not believe it was the next phase in creating a Big Brother society.

Assistant chief constable Simon Byrne said: “People clamour for the feeling of safety which cameras give.

“Obviously there is a point of view that has been expressed but our feedback from the public is anything we can do to fight crime is a good thing.

Do you think if they could protect themselves maybe Orwell’s Big Brother wouldn’t be necessary?

His Name is “Runs-With-Scissors”

A long-time friend of mine has started a blog: Diary of a Mad IT Manager. Check it out.

We’re the only ones . . .

Not sure what’s funnier about this story (short version, porn star gets stopped in TN with drugs. Gets out of ticket by, well, you know. Blogs about it, gets trooper in trouble.):

1 – That the whole concept of it sounds like the plot to a porn movie.

2 – That the trooper wanted to film it.

3 – That Knoxville has another blogging porn star.

4 – That some news coverage actually showed a pixelated blow job.

5 – Or that her blog is what broke the story.

AC says:

It’s not just public officials in the political realm who need to be on notice. Anyone under the color of authority has to ask themselves one question: “Is the person I am dealing with a blogger.”

And it helps to not film yourself doing stupid shit.

Update: And yes, I’ve seen the blog and the pictures. And I have not linked to it, which some say is more class than they expected from me. We here at SayUncle draw the line at nekkid (usually – unless it’s artsy fartsy) and porn (always).

Update: Oh dear. Seems, per Joewho is not above linking who realized his mom might be reading, that she did not get out of the ticket. I guess she really does just love to . . . err, you know. Well, ticket instead of drug charges, I guess.

Tourette’s Syndrome Awareness Week

No fucking shit.

Advice sought

Michael Silence:

If a local government were to start a blog, what would be your top three, four or five suggestions for it?

I concur that comments and addressing them are key if they really want to get input.


Drug testing in schools:

And with the full weight of the federal government pushing mandatory random suspicion-less drug testing in schools as being nothing more intrusive than a health inoculation, it’s almost surprising that anyone is willing to step up and discuss the real facts about student drug testing.

So it’s heartening that, despite the losses, there are school districts all over the country who are standing up to the drug czar, that are listening to SSDP and DPA and NORML representatives at drug testing summits, and that there are newspapers willing to editorialize (even if not perfectly) against a massive testing regime.

Good. This kinda got me to thinking about my kids. They’re gonna have it rough, I think, growing up in a world where, increasingly, schools are becoming authoritarian and they’ll have a father not afraid to tell a school administration when it crosses the line. No, you’re not drug-testing them. No, they’re not wearing a uniform. No, you will not arbitrarily search their personal belongings without good reason. Etc. I wonder at what age I should have the little l libertarian conversation with them. And explain to them that, no, daddy isn’t just a contrary prick. He just doesn’t like to see public officials cross the line and has no problem telling them when to knock it off. I wouldn’t be trying to convert them as much as letting them know where I came from.

Conversely, I wouldn’t want my kids to take my views so much to heart that they generally become oppositional to authority just for the sake of being oppositional.

Get them while they’re not illegal hot

And some gun porn.

Some future destructive devices, that is. Someone is making 19 round drums for Saiga shotguns. Everyone has pics and is blogging about them, including The Idiot’s Blog, Colt CCO, ExistingThing, and James.

In the past, the ATF has reclassified some shotguns with as destructive devices, which effectively makes them the legal equivalent of machine guns. These weapons were subject to NFA regulations. One such shotgun was the DAO-12 (or Street Sweeper). Here’s some history on the reclassification, which boils down to someone deciding that they were not generally recognized as particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes. Whatever that means, since it functions like any other semi-auto shotgun. I’ve known a few folks who use the Saiga to shoot trap and to hunt. And some folks use it in three gun competition.

I think the combination of the Saiga and these aftermarket magazines could have the effect of getting the Saiga reclassified. And, of course, the fact the Saiga is based on the Kalashnikov makes it even more scary.

Idaho Shooting

Some nutjob decided to shoot up a courthouse with an SKS. It happened in Joe’s town. He went to the press conference and took some pictures. He has a video from the conference where he asks about the SKS being automatic.


Rachel Lucas is back, for all your gun-loving, Gore-hating, Clooney-bashing needs.

Guns, guns, guns!

The Second Amendment Carnival is up.

May 19, 2007

Suspected terrorists

Good to see the NRA addressing that various states think libertarians are terrorists. They mention me *blushes*

Nerf Sniper Rifle

Here’s how to. And don’t forget this one.

May 18, 2007

Free carbon offsets

Before you complain please note the category this was filed under.

Via Instapundit, guilt free carbon lifestyle. FREE CARBON OFFSETS.

Charlie Daniels was right

Over at Michael Silence’s blog on the Knoxville News Sentinel is a post from News Sentinel On-line Editor Jack Lail that is from my perspective over the line. Mr. Lail is responding to a post on Charlie Daniels blog where Mr. Daniels questions the coverage by the Main Stream Media of the brutal murders of Channon Christian or Christopher Newsome of Knoxville. You need to read Mr. Daniels post and Mr. Lail’s post to have the whole story.

This is my response to Mr. Lail.

Mr. Lail, is it possible you have misunderstood what Charlie Daniels meant? You seem to be very defensive about this. Mr. Lail, you also wrote, “Daniels should be ashamed of his own involvement in seeding lies and nurturing hate.” Let’s examine your calling Charlie Daniels a liar.

Are you suggesting that since “several stories and photos” were distributed by AP that Charlie Daniels is wrong? Mr. Daniels wrote, “But have you seen anything on the networks, The New York Times, The Nashville Tennessean? I haven’t.”

Isn’t what Mr. Daniels suggests is that this story was not reported to the level of fluff stories carried by the AP and the Main Stream Media? Also, Charlie Daniels did not mention the Knoxville News Sentinel did he?

So where does your outrage come from sir? Is it not clear to you Mr. Lail that Charlie Daniels is not talking about your newspaper the Knoxville News Sentinel?

Simply put Mr. Lail, has this story had the column inches on AP and the MSM that the Paris Hilton DUI case has? Britney’s haircut? Anna Nicole Smith’s death?

Of course it hasn’t. And that is exactly Charlie Daniels point.

So please explain Mr. Lail how that is a “heinous falsehood” and why “Daniels should be ashamed of his own involvement in seeding lies and nurturing hate”. Your defense of the Main Stream Media makes no sense what so ever. And you wonder why people are not reading newspapers. Look in the mirror. It’s not about you Mr. Lail, it is about your sorry industry. Get your own house in order before you call others liars.

I think you owe Charlie Daniels an apology.

Welcome back

Hey, Deb’s back. Good. But her feed seems on the fritz.


But guns are essentially banned in Mexico and Japan. See:

Gun ownership in Mexico is an exclusive club. You must be either wealthy or a criminal, or both. Permits for firearms can be obtained, however, after much bureaucratic nonsense that can only be avoided by those with connections or a monetary favor, a.k.a., mordida.

More gun porn

Tromix Saiga 6 and 8. W00t!

Gun Porn 2

Side by side with hammers.

Another gun blogger quits

Say it ain’t so! Here’s hoping it’s temporary. If not, I’ll miss that guy.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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