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Guns and gays

Interesting read on the Pink Pistols. I found this not at all shocking:

Yet Pistols founder Krick says the most controversy — and, sometimes, outright hostility — comes not from conservatives, but the gay community.

“We’ve gotten a lot of support from the gun community in general,” Krick says, “but as for the organizations geared towards the queer community, that’s where we’ve been getting a lot more static.”

5 Responses to “Guns and gays”

  1. chris Says:

    I am not surprised that the Pink Pistols get more resistance from the LBGT community than the pro 2A crowd.

    I was in Key West last weekend at an art gallery (the kind you leave money in, not museum), and one of the employees, who made it a point to flaunt his sexuality, gratuitously made some comment about a murder in Key West (a rarity, I might add) and then complained loudly about the availablity of guns in this country and voiced his support for banning them.

    I declined the opportunity to educate this guy (to my wife’s relief) and just let the remark go unchallenged.

    He can get his education as to the benefit of self-defense options if someone attacks him or pulls a knife on him.

  2. Robert Says:

    I don’t care if folks are three-legged, green and eat dogs…if they support the Bill of Rights, they are my friends. If they don’t, they are my enemy.

    I admire the Pink Pistols.

  3. chris Says:

    I agree.

    They need to keep up the good work.

  4. Lyle Says:

    There are plenty of hard core advocates of freedom who are homosexual. Its just that the more leftist are the more outspoken. What does that tell us? It tells me that the far Leftist gays are getting too much attention, and far too little ridicule.

    Their anti-freedom positions need to be made the issue, not their sexual orientation. A bigot is still a damned bigot, whether they’re black, white, male, female, or gay.

    I’m weary of group think. Its never been anything but a smoke screen. The bottom line is that you either advocate and protect liberty, and so are my friend, or you are the enemy of liberty, and so must be defeated.

  5. JustDoIt Says:

    I’m weary of group think.

    I agree. How’s that saying go again?

    “None of us individually are as stupid as all of us together.”

    Or something like that…

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