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Dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of and I’ve heard of lots of dumb things


Apparently, if Fred Thompson does run for President, every episode of Law and Order he has been in could be yanked from the air as other candidates could require ‘equal time’ on those networks.

I hope it’s a joke. If it’s not, someone needs to get their ass kicked.

7 Responses to “Dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of and I’ve heard of lots of dumb things”

  1. The Senior Gadfly over at redneckin Says:

    If I’m not mistaken that’s why we didn’t see such classics (heh) as Bedtime for Bonzo during the Reagan run

  2. Phelps Says:

    Cable companies and satallite aren’t off the hook. This is why equal time needs to die a loud, grotesque death right now.

  3. Metulj Says:

    It’s a non-starter. Equal time has meant recently (since Reagan) that advertising sellers had to offer the same rates to candidates in their markets. I don’t think this is a problem. Thompson on the other hand will get the nomination because the GOP has exactly zero quality candidates (I am not saying he is a quality candidate). AND on the other hand, the same situation applies for the Dems. Where’s old “shake a snake at both ends” Ross Perot when you need him?

  4. #9 Says:

    Butterfly (metulj), what are you doing over here?

    McCain Feingold strikes again. What a dumb law.

  5. Chris Byrne Says:

    Uhh there is no fairness doctrine anymore guys.

    The only thing they could do would be to try and go after the cable networks as giving a “contribution in kind” to Thompsons campaign.

    Most episodes would not be effected; as they don’t contain election related language; but if the magic words “elect me” “elect him” “vote for” or “support” come into play, they could be pulled.

  6. Manish Says:

    TV stations in California stopped playing movies with Arnie in them during the recall election (and presumably this past election too). There is an exemption for “news” programming which can have as unequal time as they want and many programs have applied to become “news” programs to get around this.

  7. _Jon Says:

    The fear of running afoul of campaign laws would pro’lly cause networks to err on the side of caution and not run them.

    Note the ‘err’….

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