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Dealing with the government is a full-time job

Fuck the census bureau. Sitting on my desk right now are the following forms:

  • Annual Capital Expenditures Survey
  • Information and Communication Technology Survey
  • Manufacturing, Mining and Wholesale Quarterly Financial Report (eight of these)
  • Report of Organization
  • Economic Census
  • Annual Survey of Manufactures (sic) – note: the typo is actually on the form
  • No shit. And, per each form, YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY LAW. Title 13, United States Code, requires businesses and other organizations that receive this questionnaire to answer the questions and return the report to the U.S. Census Bureau.

    This, in addition to registering in every state, dealing with unemployment in every state, licenses in every state, compliance audits from random fed/state/city entities, misc. bullshit in every state, etc. And that’s not counting income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes (for every state and many cities – on that note, I’d personally like to say fuck Alabama), quarterly filings, and other crap that requires a return of some sort.

    Now, I know people in government* don’t understand this but us folks in the private sector got shit to do. Our shit, unlike your shit, generally adds value. This is time not spent doing shit that, uh, matters. Why not get this info from, say, the 4,392 other forms I send to the other people in government? Bastards.

    My assistant is gonna be pissed.

    * note: not applicable to the ones that actually provide a valuable service, like police, fire fighters, military, etc.

    12 Responses to “Dealing with the government is a full-time job”

    1. Michael Says:

      Don’t ya just love it, sort of like a nail being pounding into your skull, but slowly so you can feel each and every blow.

      This is also the reason I really wanted the President, even though he did not, go after the Fair Tax or National Sales Tax.

    2. Heartless Libertarian Says:

      Now, does the law require you to answer honestly?

      Or can you be a paraplegic eskimo gay transvestite who earns a 9 figure income as a lounge singer?

    3. ben Says:

      …which is why they should have no business taxes whatsoever. Think of all the time and resources wasted just on compliance. And all that gets passed back to you and me. They should scrap that and the horrendous duplication of “work” commensurate with the requirement, since we all have our personal taxes to account for as well. We could each pay more in tax, but actually pay less in the end.

      Taxes on business and capital gains are stupid.

    4. Manish Says:

      This, in addition to registering in every state, dealing with unemployment in every state, licenses in every state

      your not arguing for loosening the 10th Amendment are you?

    5. Justin BUist Says:

      Or can you be a paraplegic eskimo gay transvestite who earns a 9 figure income as a lounge singer?


      your not arguing for loosening the 10th Amendment are you?

      I think what he’s getting at is that the Feds should just ask the States for status updates on We The People since the State already drowns us in redundant paperwork.

    6. The Bitch Girls :: Amen Says:

      […] this city, it applies at least tenfold. Now, I know people in government* don’t understand this but us folks in the […]

    7. Kristopher Says:

      If it didn’t arrive via certified or registered mail, I would just ignore it.

      If asked about whether or not I got it, I would say nothing.

    8. JustDoIt Says:

      I got a similar census packet about nine months ago. I threw it away. Two weeks later another one showed up in my mailbox. I threw it away. Another two weeks later and a third packet showed up. This one had great big letters across the front informing me that “YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY LAW”. I threw it away.

      The next week my door bell rings and there stands a woman from the Census Bureau, laptop in hand, asking me if I have a few minutes to answer a few questions pertaining to the forms they sent me.

      I told her I lived alone so she could just put down a number one for the number of people who lived at this residence and kindly informed her that I felt the rest of the questions were specious and invasive and really none of her damn business, besides they would only be used as justification for more worthless (socialist) government programs that I want nothing to do with and do not support.

      (I happened to be cleaning my Colt 1991 at the time she rang the door bell and still had it in my hand when I answered the door – that may have had something to do with her not hanging around very long.)

      I’ve never heard back from them since. F*ck them and their BS questions. A census is supposed to be a count of people, not an excuse to justify raising taxes for more “social programs”.

      Some of the questions were about how much did I make last year, what do I do for a living, do I ride the bus, etc., etc..

    9. Alabama Says:

      Well f*ck you too!

    10. Chas Says:

      Their point is to make Communism seem like a pleasant alternative.

    11. t3rrible Says:

      I had to fill out a consumer goods and commodities movement form along those lines this year. Took about twenty man hours to do. At the end it was the most worthless POS I have ever seen. It in no way represented what I do and I answered honestly!

      I have two questions about those forms;

      1. who reads them?
      2. what do they do with the info?

      My best guess is nobody and not shit.

      The whole system is broken and I am considering suceeding from the union.

      t3rribleland, who is with me???

    12. Robert Says:

      It’s very simple to make things more complex in ANY system. It’s nearly impossible to make them simpler.

      So the trend is: more and more complex, and to get compliance, the penalties have to be raised higher and higher.

      And of course, the only people they can find to bother with this stuff is homeowners and businessmen.

      Forecast: More complex, but only for homeowners and businessmen.

    Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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