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Wiki wars

There was a rather unflattering entry at Wikipedia about Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam being a member of Bloomberg’s anti-gun Mayors Against Guns group. Seems someone from Knoxville (i.e., perhaps some of the mayor’s people) keeps trying to scrub it. But, never fear, Countertop restored it.

2 Responses to “Wiki wars”

  1. nk Says:

    I gave up trying to deal with Wikipedia. The “editing” and counter-“editing” is like an ongoing flame war. God bless Countertop for having the patience to deal with it but I don’t. There’s Google, and hat-tips, and mutual links, etc. for information that someone wants to put out and another someone wants to read.

  2. #9 Says:

    Uncle you went around and around with JAH over at Michael’s blog. I don’t understand Haslam, why not just fess up, admit the mistake, and move on?

    Bloomberg has been deceptive in the marketing of the Mayors Against the Second Amendment club. Other Mayors have caught on and dropped out. Why is Haslam trying to bury this?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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