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They’ll let anybody in

Romney, trying to get his pro-gun credibility, recently joined the NRA. Big fucking deal. So did Michael Moore.

He’s still for a ban on weapons that look like assault weapons. Sorry, I have no use for a Massachusetts liberal, even if they have an R after their name.

7 Responses to “They’ll let anybody in”

  1. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner Says:

    Zumbo could be his running mate.

  2. Ron W Says:

    Maybe Romney is gonna be like Bill Clinton and allow hunters and target shooters to keep their guns….that is in narrowly constrained or licensed activities.

    I’m waiting for one of these gun control polticians, especially at the Presidential level, to abide by the same gun control laws they want to put on those whom they serve. They don’t say that what the SS carries are for hunting or target shooting do they?!

  3. Adam Lawson Says:

    I have a feeling we’re going to get left in the rain come 2008.

  4. countertop Says:

    I think a D is gonna come and steal the issue from the Rs in 2008.

  5. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Imagine a Paul Hackett as Bill Richardson’s running mate. If the Dems had brain number one, that’d be the ticket, the gun control lobby would find itself lobbying for McCain or Giuliani…and the flip flopping would be hysterical.

    This is the problem the R’s face–they’ve essentially given the topic the right lip service but haven’t sealed up the pro gun vote as well as they could, and have left plenty of pro-RKBA room for the right D’s to exploit.

  6. Ron W Says:

    If the Republicans have Guiliani, McCain or Romney as their Presidential nominee a Democrat won’t have much trouble stealing the gun issue. He or she can still be mostly anti-gun and still “steal the issue”. AS for the “she”, Hillary Clinton will have more trouble stealing the issue; she was one of the 16 or so Senators who voted FOR government confiscation of guns during declared emergencies from law-abiding citizens like the hired guns did in New Orleans after Katrina. That’s a hard-line tyrannical position!

  7. Bruce Says:

    …she was one of the 16 or so Senators who voted FOR government confiscation of guns during declared emergencies from law-abiding citizens like the hired guns did in New Orleans after Katrina.

    The Vitter Amendment. Even John Kerry recognized it as the political no-no it would have been to go along with.

    If that miserable cunt thinks the Feds should have the power to sieze all lawfully-owned firearm during times of crisis – times when they’re needed most, such as when a functioning 911 system becomes but a memory – It stands to reason that she would have no problem seizing guns in times of peace, when “no one would even need a gun”.

    That one vote should disqualify her from even looking at pictures of the Oval Office, let alone occupying it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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