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Bump firing semi-auto

NK sends the following image:

This is Hiram Maxim’s bump-firing, semi-automatic lever action. Looks like the recoil of the weapon cocks it. NK says:

This particular design was actually produced in England in 1885 and was adopted by the Turkish army who were already very happy with their standard lever-action Winchesters.

4 Responses to “Bump firing semi-auto”

  1. nk Says:

    The most important aspect of Hiram Maxim’s genius, in my opinion, is the way he shortened the lever stroke. Compare the standard stroke on top and then his invention with the action locked and unlocked in the second and third diagrams.

  2. Alcibiades Says:

    Didn’t John Browning convert a lever gun into a machine gun?

  3. nk Says:

    Was it the Colt “potato digger”? Commenter Triticale mentioned that in the Akins Accelerator Update post of a few days ago.

  4. nk Says:

    Seriously, though, who needs a semi-auto when a lever action can be cycled with a half-inch movement? Add a screw through the trigger guard that depresses the trigger and trips the sear as soon as the action is locked (remember “The Rifleman” on tv?) and you have practically a machine gun.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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