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CCW Numbers

The Trainer has them. Only two states have no provision for concealed carry and one of them will soon. Bet on it.

3 Responses to “CCW Numbers”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    What am I missing? His map and article show two states, but the guide underneath says 3 states. Which is incorrect?

    And how do you figure on Wisconsin? The governor who has vetoed it in the past got re-elected, and the Republicans lost 4 seats on the State Senate and 8 seats in the Assembly. If the CCW measure didn’t have a veto-proof majority before, what makes you think they’ve got one now? Surely you can’t have been talking about Illinois…

  2. trainer Says:

    If you click on either graphic, you will see that they were created prior to the Nebraska change. I have adjusted the color, but didn’t change the legend. I noted the change in my blurb.

    The original graphics on the gun-nuttery site have recently been updated.

  3. trainer Says:

    If you click on either graphic, you will see that they were created prior to the Nebraska change. I have adjusted the color, but didn’t change the legend. I noted the change in my blurb.

    The original graphics on the gun-nuttery site have recently been updated.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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