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CBS Sports: Blame Guns

Mike Freeman says that the recent murder of an athlete is due to:

America’s fascination with guns

5 Responses to “CBS Sports: Blame Guns”

  1. drstrangegun Says:

    He’s on to a thought that he hasn’t processed well.

    Deeply buried in the piece he’s blaming untamed egos.

  2. drake Says:

    He is mirroring what Tony Cornheiser said on PTI

  3. existingthing Says:

    Odd; I thought that the recent murder was due to murderers…

    Guess that’s why I don’t work for CBS…

  4. Phelps Says:

    I thought the recent murder was a result of America’s facination with Thugs.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    If only it had been a drive-by bludgeoning, instead!

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