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Or you could teach him not to smoke weed and shoot himself

In the UK:

DEVASTATED mother Irene Woods has vowed never to let her toddler son have a toy gun after his older brother died after mistakenly shooting himself in the head.

On what happened:

An inquest on Christopher heard last week how he had been at a friend’s house in Anfield, smoking cannabis and playing computer games.

Friends say Christopher, who was refused entry into the army because of a heart murmur, had pointed the gun at each of them then placed it under his chin and pulled the trigger.

Tests later revealed the “crude” replica weapon, which had been converted to fire steel ball bearings, was faulty.

Well, not pointing it at yourself would have taken care of the gun’s faults.

3 Responses to “Or you could teach him not to smoke weed and shoot himself”

  1. Rasta Boys » Blog Archive » Or you could teach him not to smoke weed and shoot himself Says:

    […] Original post by SayUncle and software by Elliott Back […]

  2. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Well, it aside from the converstion from a replica to something that shoots ball bearings, it sounds like it functioned the way it was meant to.

    The kid’s brain was faulty. And if the mom says anything other than “My kid died because he was a dumbass,” she’s got blinders on.

  3. Dave thA Says:

    My favorite quote from the piece:

    “That was a hard decision. Chris was only 20. He had a lot going for him.

    Apart from being a pot-smoking, mechanically inept, idiot dumbass example to his siblings…

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