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Memo to other parents:

On Halloween, why do you think it’s a good idea to drive your kids trick or treating? Because let me tell you that, as a family who did it the old-fashioned way by walking, you’re a pain in our ass. Your vehicles are always in the way. Would it kill you to cut the lights so that you’re not blinding a 5 month old in a stroller?

I mean, I realize your lazy and all but, man, that’s just inconvenient to other people who are walking on a narrow road in a subdivision. And let’s be honest, you (and your kids) could probably use the walk. I know walking the whopping 100 feet from one house to the next may be strenuous but it might be good for you.

As you were.

Update: Sarah feels my pain.

Update 2: And Tom does too.

9 Responses to “Memo to other parents:”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    Good golly, I had the same experience. In a military housing area ON BASE.

    I didn’t mind, and even welcomed the military security patrols, but watching Mary-freakin-Ann in her SUV running point was too much.

  2. john h Says:


  3. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    It’s extra irritating when it’s a bunch of damn junior high/high school students getting driven around.

    The little kids in my neighborhood were all walking.

    Let me echo my wife: “I hate teenagers.”

  4. Jay G Says:

    Allow me to add: If you are old enough to shave, you ain’t gettin’ any of my Halloween candy…

    Oh, and a note to the jackoff in the Chevy pickup: Tearing down my street on a normal night is bad enough. Coming around the corner with the tires squealing and the engine racing on fucking Halloween is grounds for justifiable homicide. Think twice Cletus.

  5. Lean Left » Hear, Hear Says:

    […] SayUncle’s Halloween gripe. […]

  6. tgirsch Says:

    In fairness, I have to point out that because of the makeup of my particular subdivision, eliminating the “drivers” would have eliminated the vast majority of the trick-or-treaters. I’m in an older area where the lots are generally only about 60-75 feet wide, and there were only three or four other houses within sight of mine that were answering the door. And of those, only one other had any kind of decorations up.

    Jay G:

    Hear, hear. We had a few of those. Dude, there are kids out, for Chrissake!

  7. SayUncle Says:

    tom, they can park someplace convenient and walk.

  8. Jay G Says:

    Here’s another one: Parents, if you are walking your beloved children down a poorly lit back road, wearing black costumes and no reflective gear, CARRY A FUCKING FLASHLIGHT OR THREE. On the drive home from work, I passed at least a DOZEN families in full-on “stealth” mode. Great message to send to the kids…

  9. cube Says:

    you can carry more candy when you use your car, you can also cover more ground. that is the point, to get as much candy in as short of a time as possible.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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