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Now, if he’d been armed

An AP wire I received:

NEW YORK (AP) — One of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s personal employees was beaten by thieves who then stole the billionaire’s car Wednesday morning in New Jersey, authorities said.

The employee was driving the 2001 Lexus in Hackensack on an errand for the mayor shortly before 9 a.m. when he was approached by a woman asking for money, police said. As he declined and began to roll up the window, a man got into the passenger seat and punched him in the face.

“They force him out and take off,” said Capt. Frank Lomia of the Hackensack Police Dept. The employee, whose name was not released, was not seriously injured.

The car was found about two hours later, abandoned on the side of the road in Fairlawn. Police were looking for the suspects.

7 Responses to “Now, if he’d been armed”

  1. straightarrow Says:

    Well New Jersey may have to pass laws against illegal cars from lenient states coming into their state and causing crime.

    Someone should investigate New York state auto dealers to see if they are selling to people who then transport them to other states and thereby cause and increase in crime due the number of illegal cars on the streets. The registered owner of this particular car may be guilty of a federal crime, perhaps he should be investigated and sued.

  2. Fun Bob Says:

    Speaking of New Jersey, same old story basically:

  3. Ron W Says:

    I suppose this employee of the Mayor’s wasn’t quite important enough to have a hired gun, paid for by the peasants, to protect him.

  4. Lyle Says:

    I just want to know who sold him the car. 60 Minutes should interview the manufacturer and ask them, accusingly, what they think of the way their products are affecting society, and whether anyone really “needs” a Lexus anyway, and how much the CEO made last year selling these crime-bait machines to the unsuspecting public, compared to the pittance earned by the poor, yet good-hearted and well-meaning public transportation employees.

    Seriously though, the victim should sue the state for preventing him from being armed, thereby leaving him vulnerable to attack. He should then press criminal charges against the sponsors and the supporters of the anti-gun legislation, for conspiring to deprive him of a Constitutionally guaranteed right.

  5. robert Says:

    You mean blombie hasn’t instructed his people to give money to the poor, empathize and show solidarity with folks who need transportation? Why didn’t he TALK to those people, LEARN their stories and INTERVENE in truth-telling and emotive symbosis to CELEBRATE the diversity found in interacting with new and exciting cultures.

    If we aren’t going to REACH OUT, then what are our lives about, anyway?

  6. David Codrea Says:

    Uh…doesn’t a 2001 Lexus have automatic safety door locks that activate whenever it’s being driven?

    Uncle–this is a twofer–if this posts, it’s got a blogspot url…

  7. Moose Says:

    He must have had this window down since it was a nice day in Northern NJ. He was obviously asking to be carjacked. They should just outlaw all expensive car.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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