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Turns out Schnucks Markets, the place where employees were getting stabbed until a man armed with a gun stopped the assailant, is anti-gun:

Schnucks is also vehemently anti-gun. “No carry” prohibition signs are posted all over their stores, and gun control organizations see large donations both from the corporation itself, and from the Schnuck brothers who own the chain. They also support anti-gun politicians, and anti-gun legislation.

So, it’s kind of ironic that a knife-wielding maniac had his reign of terror ended on Schnucks property, by a man with a gun.

Who knows, if a customer had been carrying his gun in the store, perhaps Knife Boy might have been stopped before he had a chance to wound eight people. Or perhaps he might have been deterred from attacking anyone altogether, knowing that there could be some public-spirited citizen in the store with a gun.

One Response to “Ironic”

  1. _Jon Says:

    So if one of the victims sues, it’s possible that Schmucks could have to fork over a bucket of cash. Their policy resulted in the victim’s injuries. I could make a good case for the 5th or higher victim, depending upon the time sequence.

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