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this song kinda rules:

And I’m testing youtube.

9 Responses to “cool”

  1. Lyle Says:

    It works great, but I always have to click the play button twice. Great audio too.

    What do you see in the video? I see the promotion of a “peaceful” socialist revolution (the bombs and bullets start traveling backwards, presumably because of the power of the will of the revolutionaries (the young, cool people of course). At the end, what is presumably the “fat, tobacco smoking, corporate monster” is brought down by the force of the sheer numbers of said cool people. Hence the “socialist” mentality– money (and by extension, free markets) are the root cause of all evil in the world (though I was expecting the money, “liberated” from the fat cat, to start raining down on all the cool people, thereby ending all want in the world). What they never tell us is exactly how they would replace capitalism with their alternatives-to-Liberty. We have only to look at history for the various possible answers.

    No, I do not give them their desired moral high ground either (they want to be seen as promoting peace and love). Its the exact opposite.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Well, the young cool kids also raided the UN. And the soldiers all seemed to come from all UN countries with their rotating flags. So, looks like they’re saying evil, money grubbers run that too. Lots of imagery. Could be a commie revolt or that people had enough. Looked like people v. the .gov to me. None of the cool young people used guns either.

    I didn’t mean to get into all the imagery of the thing just that it’s a good cover of a Genesis tune.

  3. pdb Says:

    Who approved covers of Genesis songs?? It’s not yet time to be covering Genesis, the songs are only … wait …

    Aw, crap. I’m ancient.

  4. Chris Wage Says:

    That is a great song — I’m amazed they were able to screw it up so badly.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    Who is that? Disturbed?

  6. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, it’s disturbed.

    Chris, I dig it.

  7. tgirsch Says:

    Did anyone else notice that this video isn’t much different than the original Genesis video, except that it’s animated instead of puppets, and contemporary political figures replace their original-video-era counterparts?

    I did.

  8. Rustmeister Says:

    Sometimes a song is just a song….

  9. Lyle Says:

    And sometimes, most of the time, its a statement of some kind, or at the very least it reflects the artists’ world view. Having been one of them, I know these people. I grew up in the ’60s among that culture.

    “I want to hold your hand” is just a song. This stuff is in another dimension, cool as it may be. I admit to being hyper-sensitive about it, but I’m right.

    Uncle, don’t forget: they protested and rioted against the World Trade Commission, not because it is a largely socialist organization dedicated to government regulation of trade, which it is, but because it smacks too much of capitalism, which they (the Left) hate more than just about anything. That this video might show the UN in a negative light is not inconsistent. It’s part of what was so hated in the ’60-’80s, known as “The System”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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