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Tennessee Senate Race

I’m lukewarm on the candidates for Frist’s soon to be vacant seat. But if the signage is an indication (and it usually is), it’s looking like Corker has the backing of the local good ol’ boy network here in East Tennessee.

I decided a while back that you can pretty much determine who will win by the number of signs you see that are placed in front of businesses and houses in affluent neighborhoods. In Knoxville, I’ve only seen Corker signs.

And what’s the deal with that commercial where is mom his painfully reading cue cards and he’s feigning interest in some prop photo album? Painful to watch. But it’s better than Ford’s commercial where he’s filling up his big ass SUV at an Exxon and bitching about gas prices and the former CEO of Exxon’s golden parachute. Is he really advocating congressional price controls?

I haven’t seen a Bryant or Hilleary commercial.

Update: AC tells us that Corker and Hilleary almost threw down.

3 Responses to “Tennessee Senate Race”

  1. R. Neal Says:

    it’s looking like Corker has the backing of the local good ol’ boy network here in East Tennessee

    That’s the word, anyway. The Haslam crew is reportedly behind him 100%. There’s seems to be a strong Chattanooga-Knoxville connection these days for some reason.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, you see the signs at all the Pilot Stations.

  3. R. Neal Says:

    And Jimmy H. is his campaign finance manager.

    And there’s this:

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