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NRA stuff

Bitter has a lot on the NRA and its future. I didn’t realize there numbers were down so much. I’d re-join in a minute if they’d actually get on any gun issue that’s important to me.

4 Responses to “NRA stuff”

  1. Grammar Nazi Says:

    their: possessive form of they (i.e. I didn’t realize their numbers were down so much.)
    there: a direction (i.e. over there)

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, yeah, espo. And sentences start with capital letters, end sentences with puncuation, shouldn’t use sentence fragments, and punctuation goes outside the parentheses. We all get in a rush.

  3. JuryRig Says:

    Grammar Nazi, see definition 2c of ‘tool”:

    Quit being one.

  4. NateG Says:

    While were being grammer Nazi’s;

    i.e., means “that is” (Latin: id est)
    E.g. (For example, latin: exempli gratia) is should replace i.e. in the first example, and the second, to!

    Their are many grammer mistakes wirter’s make. They often loose they’re mind’s!

    (for the sarcasm-deficient, typos/errors are intentional)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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