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Blog burnout

In the past, I’d see articles like this screed against how certain dog breeds are just evil and I’d feel inclined to comment about the inherent stupidity of the person who wrote it and how they’re selective with the facts and how their personal tale of tragedy impairs their objectivity. Now, I just don’t give a fuck. Sure, I still like to blog. Sure, I still oppose breed specific laws. Just don’t feel the need to comment but felt the need to comment on the fact that I don’t feel the need to comment. Weird, huh?

Am I burnt out? Uncaring? Or is it because I’ve addressed it all before? Not sure. I think it’s the realization that the people are fed lies and misinformation every day from supposedly credible news sources and there’s really not a lot I can do about it. So, there you have it.

5 Responses to “Blog burnout”

  1. _Jon Says:

    I think that is one of the *huge* benefits of a blog.
    You have an opportunity to express your thoughts and feelings.
    Prior to writing here, what did you do what something brought on that level of frustration? Rant to the dog? The Mrs. would certainly get tired of it. But now, you can not only express yourself, but you can refine your ideas AND you can get input from other folks – like minded or not.

    In addition to the political and social benefits of blogs, there is also an element of personal – individual – self-improvement / self-help.

  2. rpm Says:

    I think this is the point where you realize blogs are useless when it comes to a political process.

  3. Brehd Patchley Says:

    _Jon has it right Uncle. Blogging is therapy. You got to express that you don’t give a fuck. That’s better than stomping around and driving angry. We’re all saving on therapy bills each time we post/read on these things. Maybe the dogs needs blogs.

  4. Rustmeister Says:

    Then again, you can only say the same thing over and over for so long. If I were blogging, I’d just link to prior posts on the subject and move on.

  5. t3rrible Says:

    I think BSl is all a big pile of great dane crap. I have seen the most evil dog on the planet and it’s name was dinker and it was a toy poodle. you could not get within two feet of this demon without getting a nip. After it nipped at my son I applied a foot to the dog and me and the owner had it out. I told the dude that I would gladly kill his dog, his cat, his fish, even him to keep even one hair on the head of my child from harm. I had asked him to put the dog away when we arrived and he said the dog would be fine.

    The really crappy thing, this dude is my grandfather.

    Forget him and his dog.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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