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If true, this is absolutely unbelievable:

Muslim husbands who beat their wives must be treated differently from other domestic violence cases, as a matter of cultural sensitivity: “In incidents such as domestic violence,” says the handbook, “police need to have an understanding of the traditions, ways of life and habits of Muslims.”

Wife-beating is wife-beating in my book and none of it should be tolerated. Ever.

5 Responses to “Unbelievable”

  1. robert Says:

    I’m still waiting for the convincing argument why Islam should be tolerated in a modern society any more than cannibalism would be.

  2. Nate Says:

    Wiskey Tango Foxtrot!?! I was sorta kinda hoping that Deb linked to an Onion/Scrappleface satire, but nope, the world is that screwy.

  3. Blake Says:

    Yeah…plus when you come to another country, you’re expected to abide by their laws.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    You are only allowed to do it on Sunday on the courthouse steps, right? 😉 Crazy throwback legislation.

  5. Sandy Ford Says:

    We had a call a few years ago to the home of an Indian / Pakistani (?) family. He had beaten her and someone hit 911. He said that was the way things were done where they came from. He went to jail; to court; and through the domestic violence system. I think what really shook him up was when he found out she could take him for the house, kids and the two businesses. They got back together rather quickly after that. Quite a reality check!

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