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Ooh, Phaser

Actually, it’s a PHaSR, which stands for Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response:

A laser technology being developed by Air Force Research Laboratory [AFRL] employees at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. will be the first man-portable, non-lethal deterrent weapon intended for protecting troops and controlling hostile crowds.

The weapon, developed by the laboratory’s Directed Energy Directorate, employs a two-wavelength laser system and is the first of its kind as a hand-held, single-operator system for troop and perimeter defense. The laser light used in the weapon temporarily impairs aggressors by illuminating or “dazzling” individuals, removing their ability to see the laser source.

You know, if there were ever a valid reason for a sporting purpose argument against something, I’d say this one fits the bill. Can’t hunt or target shoot with it. But then, I’ve never bought that whole sporting purpose crap anyway.

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