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Fun the police

Like most things on Al Gore’s internets there’s probably a little embellishment, but I still found it amusing:

I turn around every time I see them. I just do a 3-point turn on the road. It’s a free country, right?

Provides me with hours of entertainment. I get the watch them get all excited, running and diving into their cars, they burn rubber, fishtailing, lights flashing…

Then they pull me over and I don’t let them search, either. They get really annoyed at me when they ask why I turned around and I say, “oh, I forgot something at home, so I turned around to go get it.”

Sure, it wastes a lot of my time, but it lets a lot of other people go on with their day because usually it breaks up the roadblock because all the coppers have to chase me down — and I get entertainment because I refuse to allow them to do anything or intimidate me.

I’ve even had them threaten to arrest me, but when asked under what charges, they always hesitate and come back with something like “obstruction of justice.” I just laugh and they get more annoyed.

This was over at The Gun-Toting Liberal [yes, we do have those – ed.], a new addition to the blogroll.

One Response to “Fun the police”

  1. Gun-Toting Liberal Says:

    Thank you for the linky-luv. I’ve added you to my blogroll as well. And yes, there are far more many gun-toting liberals out there than you might realize. One day, I hope we’ll outnumber the gun-grabbing liberals, but I’m still working on that 🙂 God Bless, and blog ON…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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