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Gun laws around the bend

California passed a needless ban on 50 caliber rifles.

Chicago is looking at more expansive gun laws:

Mayor Richard Daley on Wednesday pushed for lawmakers to approve a wide range of gun control measures, moving from the court system to the Legislature his campaign to hold gun dealers responsible for the costs to society of handgun violence.

Daley, who has been urging lawmakers to adopt most of the reforms for years with little success, wants them to approve two new proposals that would prevent gun dealers from knowingly selling firearms to criminals and that would allow victims of gun violence to sue dealers who knew the weapon had been sold illegally.

I’m pretty sure it’s already illegal to knowingly sell gun illegally or it wouldn’t be, you know, illegal. What the law really means is license to sue gun makers and dealers who did nothing wrong but their products wound up in the wrong hands.

The Illinois proposal also includes a statewide assault weapons ban, according to the Brady Campaign.

And the same bullshit is happening in New York:

The bill, which is expected to pass the Council today, would allow civil suits to be filed against the manufacturers and dealers unless they voluntarily adopt a “code of conduct.” That code would include restrictions like selling no more than one handgun to a particular person within a 30-day period and requiring background checks of all prospective buyers at gun shows.

If a gun manufacturer or dealer chooses not to adhere to these guidelines, the bill seeks to hold those businesses legally responsible if their firearms result in death or injury to people in New York City.

A code of conduct? Give me a break. Someone will sue them regardless of following this code.

San Fran’s gun ban is still in play. What an absolutely asinine idea.

And, if you were wondering, Arianna Huffington is still an idiot.

Thank God for Red States.

3 Responses to “Gun laws around the bend”

  1. Yosemite Sam Says:

    They still have no clue about gun shows:
    “That code would include restrictions like selling no more than one handgun to a particular person within a 30-day period and requiring background checks of all prospective buyers at gun shows.”

    1.) The gun maker sells the guns to a distributor, who then sells it to a gun dealer.
    and 2.) The gun dealer sells it to the gun buyer and must perform a NICS background check by Federal Law.

    The only way a firearm can be sold without a background check at a gun show is if the sale is a transaction between private individuals who are not gun dealers. Since a private individual cannot buy a gun directly from a gun maker and the gun sold is used, then the gun makers have absolutely no control over these transactions.

    What grates is the sheer ignorance of the law that these GFW politicians have.
    But they make the laws we have to abide by. Makes me sick.

  2. GMontag Says:

    “And, if you were wondering, Arianna Huffington is still an idiot.”

    Yea, but she used to be a hottie idiot. That wall must have hurt when she hit it.

  3. triticale Says:

    Maybe firearms manufacturer Rossi should sue Chicago to collect the money the city saved not having to send police to the apartment of the woman I married after a man a foot taller than her and 100 lbs heavier kicked in the door.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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