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Kinda Funny

People are actually protesting against Libertarians:

It’s not often that libertarians are enough of a threat to anyone else’s interests that they generate protests. But that is what has been happening in New Hampshire lately. In June, 200 residents showed up at a heated town meeting in tiny Grafton township to challenge a trio of libertarian activists they feared were trying to conquer their community. Less than a week later, a squad of protesters picketed a fund-raising dinner in Plymouth, featuring Republican Governor Craig Benson, sponsored by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance.

Both protests were triggered by the Free State Project, or FSP, a recently hatched plan for libertarians to roll back the government of New Hampshire and thus create a flagship for a freer America.

And what are they afraid of:

The people I met didn’t seem to be libertarian versions of the Unabomber, desperate to live separated from the ideologically uncongenial like a modern-day Thoreau. They just think contemporary government is too expensive, too intrusive, and too active, and are eager to embrace the most effective way to change that.

Maybe they didn’t get the memo and a bunch of small L libertarians showed up.

4 Responses to “Kinda Funny”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    If I weren’t physically unable to live north of the Mason-Dixon line, I’d consider moving there.

  2. Brutal Hugger Says:

    They just think contemporary government is too expensive, too intrusive, and too active

    I’d bet 90 percent of the population would agree. No that those 90 percent would embrace libertarian solutions, but certainly most people agree that government is messed up in these ways. So why can’t our Democracy yield to the wishes of the majority? Is our Democracy broken?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Is our Democracy broken?

    Well, yeah.

  4. Xrlq Says:

    If I lived in Ohio, I’d be protesting the Libertarians for needlessly raising my taxes.

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