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Idiotic quote of the day

I usually won’t link to things from Drudge, but a quote from this article caught my attention:

But U.N. Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland suggested that the United States and other Western nations were being “stingy” with relief funds, saying there would be more available if taxes were raised.

“There are several donors who are less generous than before in a growing world economy,” he said, adding that politicians in the United States and Europe “believe that they are really burdening the taxpayers too much, and the taxpayers want to give less. It’s not true. They want to give more.”

What the hell? So we, the people with our hard-earned money really, really, really want the government to tax us more? What a maroon! Those of us who feel the urge to “give more” (as if taxation were giving), we’ll just donate to charities, thank you very much. I’m not saying providing relief isn’t a noble cause, but his assumption that we aren’t taxed enough is just inane.

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