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Another victim of media misrepresentation

Justin Wilkins writes:

Americans Need To Do Their Own Investigating

In this time of election craziness it’s easy for us all to become brainwashed into believing complex issues are simple and easily explained in 20 second news bites.

Election rhetoric only perpetuates this ignorance such as “Kerry is flip-flopping” on guns. There is more to it than that: He’s FOR guns to hunt deer and ducks and our right to bear arms. He’s AGAINST folks having assault weapons like Ak-47s. (You know, the stuff armies and terrorist use?)

I cannot fathom why President Bush allowed the assault weapons ban to expire. Is it because hunters need AK-47s? Do you really need to take out a deer with a semi-automatic machine gun?

The irony is that he is a victim of not doing his own research. I sent him the following email:

A semi-automatic rifle is not a machine gun. Period. A machine gun fires multiple rounds per trigger pull. A semi-automatic (which is what many hunting rifles are) fires one shot per one pull of the trigger.

The assault weapons ban only banned guns that looked like military guns. Practice what you preach and do some investigating instead of taking at face value the talking points the media is shoving down your throat regarding the assault weapons ban.


You can send him one to, his email address is posted with the article.

Update: KABA picked up on it, I’m sure Mr. Wilkins email doth runneth over.

Update2: He has responded with:

What I wrote was based on everything I know so far. Of course, you know as well as I do that anyone can distort anything to suit their argument. You are right I need to do more investigating. I do not know much about guns and you helped me understand a difference and an argument.

What I will do now is go look more closely at the AWB law and see if it makes sense.

Thanks Uncle!

One at a time, my friends, one at a time.

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