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Kerry challenges Bush to weekly debates

The AP:

John Kerry challenged President Bush on Thursday to weekly debates from now until Nov. 2 on campaign issues like education, health care and national security.

“America deserves a discussion like we’re having here today, which I’m prepared to have with this president every single week from now until the election,” the Democratic presidential candidate said.

No doubt it’s related to Bush’s small leap in the polls. I think it’s a smart move on Kerry’s part. However, the luster of such a thing would wear off after two debates and the public would grow bored of them. American’s aren’t known for there attention sp . . . what was I talking about?

Oh yeah. Seriously, Kerry’s lack of charisma and Bush’s isms could be damaging to them both.

8 Responses to “Kerry challenges Bush to weekly debates”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    The more debates the better, in any election year.

    Kerry would have looked a let stronger if he had asked for this at his inauguration speech. Now it looks like he’s desperate to do the swiftie damage to his polling numbers.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    Interestingly enough, I thought Kerry came across as plenty charismatic in his Daily Show interview. He seems to do okay one-on-one, but it’s the stump speeches and posturing that kill his charisma. Same problem Gore and Dole had.

  3. Chris Wage Says:

    I think it’s a good move, too, but I could see Bush turning it down justifiably, on grounds that it’s too frequent. I mean, damn, once a week? He’s got a country to run (into the ground) after all.

    I look forward to them, though. But not as much as I am looking forward to seeing Edwards trounce Cheney in a VP debate.

  4. Les Jones Says:

    Chris: I’ll take that bet. I’ll take Cheney and give you Edwards and 10 beds of sweat on his forehead. If Cheney goes into cardiac arrest during the debate I’ll triple your money.

  5. tgirsch Says:


    You’re nuts. Debates aren’t so much about who’s got the better answers as they are about who’s the better orator. On that count, Edwards trounces Cheney. Fortunately for the Bush Administration, nobody pays any attention to the vice presidential debates.

  6. Les Jones Says:

    Tom: so you’re saying you’ll give me odds?

    Alrighty, then. Since I’m a sporting kind of guy, I’ll still triple your money if Cheney goes into cardiac arrest, and I’ll quadruple your money if Cheney’s dying words are “It was always about the oiiiillllll… ack.”

  7. SayUncle Says:

    Dunno, i remember the lieberman/cheney debate from 2000. The debate was boring but they were really nice to each other.

  8. Curious George Says:

    What happened to George Bush? Something wrong with his mouth? That’s one of the worst debates he’s ever done–stammering, stuttering, defensive…
    What a comparison–steady, calm, confident Kerry vs. little stooping, stammering George. LOL

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