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Bush & McCain to pursue court action to suppress free speech

The AP:

President Bush wants to work with Republican Sen. John McCain to go to court against political ads by “shadowy” outside groups, the White House said Thursday amid growing pressure on the president to denounce attacks on John Kerry’s war record.

“We want to pursue court action,” Bush spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters aboard Air Force One en route to New Mexico. “The president said if the court action doesn’t work, that he would be willing to pursue legislative action with Sen. McCain on that.”

Heaven forbid someone level criticism against our politicos. George, you signed campaign finance into law. You created the mess you now have to deal with. I would thank you to do so without further infringing on the rights of the people to freely speak.

4 Responses to “Bush & McCain to pursue court action to suppress free speech”

  1. cube Says:

    yes this is one thing that i don’t agree with.

    let the 527’s be (maybe clear up and ambguity on what campaings and the 527s can do with each other)

    but if 527s disappear, i think that would be a major blow to free speech.

  2. Brass Says:

    They can’t just get rid of a bad law, can they? Nope, they just keep adding to it.

  3. Thibodeaux Says:

    Come on, Brass. They don’t pass BAD laws. What happens is BAD PEOPLE take advantage of LOOPHOLES in the law. The law needs to be STRENGTHENED.

  4. Xrlq Says:

    Maybe they could tweak the law just a bit, to create a safe harbor for any ads prefaced by a statement from the candidate they’re trying to help, a la “I’m President Bush, and I do not approve of this ad.”

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