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Ain’t that a bitch

Today, George W. Bush expressed regret for signing The Incumbent Protection Act err Campaign Finance Reform into law. No, I kid. He actually denounced the Swift Boat Vets’ ad. No, I kid. What he actually did was point out that Kerry should be proud of his Vietnam service and then he railed against political advertisements paid for and aired by outside groups.

Both candidates have now called for the cessation of third party political ads. Free speech for me but not for thee.

One Response to “Ain’t that a bitch”

  1. Andrew Says:

    IIRC, the McCain Feingold Speech Rationing Act prevents 527s from airing ads past September 2nd anyway, so there’s no downside in calling for them to away. Like King Canute ordering the tide to stay at bay, except backed by the force of law.

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