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Assault Weapons ban and price speculation

The Heartless Libertarian notes that DiFi is wrong. She states shipments of guns are awaiting to flood the shores on 9/14, when the ban expires. HL notes correctly that:

Senator, importation of these guns is covered by a totally different law. There may be shiploads of parts kits containing such fun doodads as bayonet lugs, rifle grenade launchers, and folding stocks waiting for September 14th, but there aren’t any shiploads of guns. Likewise, companies such as Armalite, Bushmaster, and Olympic Arms may have truckloads of parts and even complete guns ready to ship, but they’re already in this country.

His post and the article I mention here got me to thinking: If the ban sunsets on 9/14, what will be the effect of the gun market?

First, the value of my regular capacity magazines for my Sig will drop from upward of $150 each to about $40. I have like five of them so the market value of my gun safe will decline. The six AR15 magazines I have will drop in price too.

I’d say the value of pre-ban rifles (i.e., rifles made before 1994) will drop. I’d imagine that post-ban rifles values would drop to almost miniscule levels. After all, who wants a rifle without a flash hider when you can buy one with it for the same price?

In essence, this ban will decrease the value of some enthusiasts collections. Older expensive guns will be replaced by newer cheaper ones. I’d predict an initial surge in purchase of these rifles and then a leveling off.

My advice to people would be to sell now.

12 Responses to “Assault Weapons ban and price speculation”

  1. Marc Says:

    Shoulda invested in Class III weapons.

  2. Phelps Says:

    I’m thinking along the same lines, but from the opposite viewpoint. There have been a couple of weapons I’ve considered buying, but I am waiting until the sunset to see if there is going to be a price crash (at which point I’ll jump in and scratch a couple of itches.)

  3. cube Says:

    “rifle grenade launchers”
    that is a load of crap, those are outlawed by some other law, and the ban. so when the ban disappears it will not matter to that particluar feature.

    and i am waiting to buy also.

    secondly, you should by as much guns that you think could be banned (once the ban expires), just because that might change, then you can sell them for a profit.

  4. Robert Douglas Says:

    ““rifle grenade launchers”
    that is a load of crap, those are outlawed by some other law, and the ban. so when the ban disappears it will not matter to that particluar feature.”

    That is not a load of crap. Rifle grenade launchers are not outlawed.

    From the ATF Firearms FAQ:

    (M29) Are grenade and rocket launcher attachments destructive devices?

    Grenade and rocket launcher attachments for use on military type rifles generally do not come within the definition of destructive devices. However, the grenades and rockets used in these devices are generally within the definition. [26 U. S. C. 5845, 27 CFR 179.11]

    Furthermore, if you look at the current version of the Yugo SKS being sold, it sports a rifle grenade launcher.

  5. Jay G Says:


    You really think the AWB is gonna die?

    You don’t think GWB will cave and sign an extension?

    (Honest question. Ever since he signed CFR {spit} I haven’t trusted W until the ink is dry – or not.)

  6. SayUncle Says:


    He’d sign it if it got to him. But Delay has said it won’t make it through house, at least during this session.

  7. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    One thing I’ve noticed, in what appears to be market anticipation of the AWB ending-an increase in the number of vendors selling folding/collapsable stocks in Shotgun News. TAPCO has a new folder (FAL style-ish) for the AK, and there are tons of M-4 style stocks for AR-15s featured in ads.

  8. cube Says:

    nice catch.

    ” However, the grenades and rockets used in these devices are generally within the definition.”

    oh i am sorry.

    rifle grenades are not going to be leagal, those are outlawed by some other law, and the ban. so when the ban disappears it will not matter.

    of course i have no idea what type of reasonable person would buy the launcher without the grenade

  9. SayUncle Says:

    Lots of folks because you can use them to shoot flares. check out

    And, it turns out, some launchers are DDs while others are not. I don’t know what the criteria for that would be.

  10. Robert Douglas Says:

    Okay, I feel like such a gun nerd now. Here is the Destructive Device criteria as it pertains to Grenade launchers. See the end of item 6:

    (1) “destructive devices” means:
    (a) any explosive, incendiary or poison gas:
    1) bomb;
    2) grenade;
    3) rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces;
    4) missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter
    5) mine; or
    6) similar device; and
    (b) any type of weapon by whatever name known which will, or which may be
    readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or
    other propellant, the barrel or barrels of which have a bore of more than
    one-half inch in diameter, except a shotgun or shotgun shell which is generally
    recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes; and any combination
    of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device
    into a destructive device as defined in Paragraphs (1) and (2) and from
    which a destructive device may be readily assembled.
    The term “destructive device” shall not include any device which is neither
    designed nor redesigned for use as a weapon or any device, although originally
    designed for use as a weapon, which is redesigned for use as a signaling,
    pyrotechnic, line throwing, safety or similar device.

  11. cube Says:

    so the launchers are duel use, and the other use would be to save lives.

    that makes sense.

    has anyone heard about what kerry thinks about the weapons ban, if he wins he might try to reinstate that, which will give a small window to buy cool stuff like gernade launchers

  12. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Kerry came off taxpayer funded vacation from his Senate job the campaign trail to vote in favor of adding DiFi’s AWB amendment to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms act. It was the first thing he’d bothered to vote on all year.

    That a good enough snapshot of his position for you?

    If it’s not, he get’s a 100% rating from the Brady Bunch, too.

    I’ve already got a purchase list in case he wins. And permission from the wife to use some of the savings account to buy it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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