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Two in a row

It’s a good day for your humble media watchdork. First, the article mentioned below about pit bulls and now this article, which is fairly factual with respect to the assault weapons ban. I share the sentiment of AWBansunset of being surprised at no mentioned of Uzis, AK47s, Rapid-fire, terrorist weapons, drug dealer weapons, etc.:

Gun dealers and manufacturers are anxiously waiting to see if lawmakers vote to extend the federal assault weapons ban set to expire in September, while fielding increasing questions from customers wanting to know what they will be able to buy and when.

For the typical hunter and gun sportsman, it won’t make much difference either way, the local dealers said, because the law mostly impacts professional target shooters and gun collectors.

Even so, most gun owners view the law as an infringement on their constitutional right to bear arms.

Notice it also mentions the elephant in the room, the Constitution, without making gun enthusiasts look like extremists.

Good job, Molly Parker (oh, and you’ll notice someone actually signed their name to it).

2 Responses to “Two in a row”

  1. Alphecca Says:

    Interesting Stuff Out There…
    I finally have a couple days off and after a long stretch of horror-show-stuff at work, I’m kicking back, having a few drinks, and being a total couch potatoe today. Fortunately, other bloggers are a little more active: Heartless Libertarian…

  2. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    I was impressed by that article’s non-biased tone as well, Unc.
    To pit a nit, though, it should have said “constitutionally protected right to bear arms.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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