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Man, this baby stuff is hard work

Apologies for light blogging and for not responding to people who leave comments but this baby stuff is time consuming. Changing diapers, feeding, swaddling, cleaning, and other chores coupled with a very irregular sleeping pattern makes devoting significant time to anything else difficult.

But I love every minute of it.

3 Responses to “Man, this baby stuff is hard work”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    You need a co-blogger to pick up the slack. 🙂

  2. ben Says:

    congratulations and welcome to the club. I have two, a 3 year old boy (around 3 years old is when the fun really begins) and a 4 month old girl.

  3. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Have you gone back to work yet?

    Actually, going to work can be kind of a relief…nobody cries and screams, they just whine.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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