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Hey, that’s not a gun show


A Turkish ship headed for New York — and stuffed with thousands of AK-47s and other Kalashnikov assault rifles — was seized en route in Italy, authorities said Tuesday.

The ship’s deadly hoard of more than 7,500 terrorist-grade rifles and machine guns worth more than $6 million was discovered illegally hidden under piles of properly labeled arms in several massive cargo containers, Italian officials said.

The article then makes many factual errors and intimates the rifles were for terrorists trade. From the boat to the gun show, I guess. These were not machine guns but were rendered semi-automatic. The article ties the discovery to the Assault Weapons Ban too. All around shoddy reporting. Why did I link to it? To illustrate that illegal rifles are still entering the country despite laws aimed at disarming peaceable citizens.

7 Responses to “Hey, that’s not a gun show”

  1. Chris Wage Says:

    “Terrorist-grade”? That’s awesome.

  2. Thibodeaux Says:

    Oh dear. And this was from the Fox/NYPost/Murdoch Evil Empire, which is supposed to be on our side.

    How about this gem:

    “AK-47s also have been the weapon of choice for some infamous military-minded wackos, such as the teens who shot up Columbine HS in Littleton, Colo., in 1999.”

    Say what? Let’s review: a Tec-9, a Hi-Point carbine, and two shotguns. Which one of those is the AK-47?

  3. skb Says:

    Yeah, I was wondering what a “terrorist-grade” rifle is, too. Do they blow up in the user’s hands making them martyrs? Do they come with 72 virgins? Do they use special infidel-penetrating bullets? WTF?

  4. the mullet Says:

    yeah, the Terrorist Grade thing looks purty silly to me as well.

    I especailly like SKB’s “infidel-penetrating bullets”. BWAHAHA.

  5. jed Says:

    Maybe they have special U-shaped barrels?

  6. Les Jones Blog Says:

    Thursday Gun Links #14
    The Jeff Cooper Commentaries for April are up. Tuesday was the fifth anniversary of the Columbine shooting. The Children’s Defense Fund used that as an opportunity to push their anti-gun agenda. Freedom Sight dispels some myths about the role of…

  7. FreedomSight Says:

    Yet Another Media-Inspired Fictional Gun Term
    (Via Say Uncle) Fox News is carrying a New York Post story about the seizure of 7,500 “terrorist-grade” rifles from a ship in Italy, en route to the U.S.

    Of course, the mentality of whoever wrote that ridiculous term is pretty easily seen by this ‘g…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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