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Hey, that fat Cocker looks dangerous

Via Robert Douglas, Auburn is wanting to tie a dog’s weight to whether it is dangerous or not. The threshold: 30 pounds:

Unlike most dog-control ordinances, Auburn’s proposal would not require a dog to do anything to be listed as “potentially dangerous” except weigh more than 30 pounds — the belief being that larger dogs are inherently more dangerous.

As written, the proposal would require any dog exceeding that weight to be kept on a leash or within a fenced yard or kennel.

Should a 30-pound-plus dog happen to get out of the yard, even inadvertently, its status would be upgraded to dangerous, and its owner would be required to take out a $250,000 insurance policy, available from only one company in the nation — a Florida firm that insures circus animals. Homeowners policies don’t insure dogs labeled as dangerous.

I am of the opinion that all dogs should be properly restrained and not running loose, as are most responsible pet owners.

Weight being a factor is as ludicrous as breed being a factor. Up next, color will be a factor.


Moreover, the owner also could be required to secure a special dangerous-animal permit from the city at a cost of $100.

Yup, the city needs to make some dollars off the deal.

3 Responses to “Hey, that fat Cocker looks dangerous”

  1. Chris Wage Says:

    That’s pretty retarded. I’ve run across some small dogs with no training or discipline that are much more dangerous than our 100-lb st bernard.

  2. Justin Says:

    “You” and your “dog” are generally always insured under your homeowners insurance policy unless your insurance carrier excludes specific breeds of dogs…or…if you just happen to lie to your insurance company when/if asked what breed of dog you have. I dont see how the state can force someone to take out any kind of insurance policy if your dog escaped from the yard one day. Why hasnt someone tried to press this issue with the states supreme court et al????

  3. mrswolfie Says:

    I have wolf dogs & I can’t find ANY insurance Company to give me LIABILITY insurance…. except the company in Fla. which they wanted $4,000.00, up front, for the 1st 3 wolf dogs then so much more for each one after 3……I have 6 adults & 9 puppies right now & NO liability insurance.. someone has got to stop the insurance companies from discrimmating against dog breeds..go by each animal not breed!

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