Archive for March, 2004

March 21, 2004

Basketball Update

How about those Fightin’ Whiteys? Vandy Men upset NC State!

In other news, MTSU women upset the Lady Tarheels.

Lots of good basketball teams in Tennessee. Congratulations all around! Tomorrow, hopefully, Vanderbilt’s women will win, and the Lady Vols will LOSE LOSE LOSE! We hates it, my precious.

Gun owners and Bush

Angel Shamaya, director of Keep and Bear Arms (which gets more hits than the NRA website), was asked to lend his financial support to President Bush. His response is here and worth the read.

March 20, 2004

Just about everything you ever wanted to know about Garands

A new article on the M1 Garand is up over at the Carnival.

First Day of Spring in Tennessee

Got up. Mowed the lawn for the first time this year and washed cars. Spent the rest of the day packing. Beautiful weather until about 10 minutes ago when it started to look like a storm. And about an hour ago I through some beer butt chicken on the grill. Good ol’ Rocky Top.

Update: Looks like the storm of doom is coming. Rain, lightning, and just ugliness.

I Love Yard Sales!

I just an entire set of World Book Encyclopedias for THREE DOLLARS!

Now I need a bookshelf…

March 19, 2004

Thought we were going it alone

Spain is pulling out of Iraq and Poland has threatened to. But I thought this was a unilateral, US only operation. I thought that because that’s what the press and certain politicos tell me. Unilateral, my ass.

Too funny

Thibodeaux provided a link to this VPC chart that supposedly details the assault weapons used to kill police officers. One of them is the M151A. Turns out the M151A is a jeep. Yes, a jeep. Losers.

I felt obligated to save the page to my local hard drive for future reference.

I’d seen the page before but never really paid attention. By my count, the number of assault weapons (as defined by law) on there is only 13 (i.e., only the ARs and the AKs. The MAKs and others are, you know, post ban).

Oh My

No comment but I will be curious to see how (or if) this pans out.


For a while there, I had a slogan: I do this to entertain me, not you. I don’t have one currently, but I’ve been contemplating some:

SayUncle, where our daily content is bigger than our blogroll.

SayUncle, we say more dumb shit before noon than most people say all day.

SayUncle, proud affiliate of the Republican controlled media conglomerate.

SayUncle, the other liberal media.

SayUncle, I don’t need all of you to believe me, just 12.


Thanks Jay

Thanks to Jay Allen. MT Blacklist has been working overtime.

Took a bit longer than I thought

The anti-gunners have started on the Tennessee standoff. In their press release, they admit that the SKS is not an assault weapon, yet then say it is. They also repeat the lie that one in five policeman killed are killed with assault weapons.

Question for my readers

Can somebody tell me why a 30 feet tall, inflatable, purple gorilla is the universal symbol for announcing a big sale at car lots?

And precisely where does one purchase a 30 feet tall, inflatable, purple gorilla?

Update: Alert reader Bill informs me that Boulder Blimps is the company for all your 30 feet tall, inflatable, purple gorilla needs. Apparently, they will make anything large and inflatable.

Update #2: Tom has found more inflatable gorillas

Signs of desperation follow up

Publicola has more (a lot more) on the lawsuit that the anti-gunners are engaging in against the DOJ.

Party of fiscal responsibility?

Buddy Don calls out the Party of Fiscal Responsibility in a way that only he can.

I concur

I’m with Tommy, we need this law, well, everywhere.

Hiibel to the SCOTUS

The case of the man who was arrested for refusing to give ID to police is headed for the Supreme Court. As always with our Supreme Court, I am not overly optimistic.

The Apprentice

I have a confession to make. I like The Apprentice. I don’t usually care for so-called “reality TV,” but I do watch this one show.

I do have a couple of questions, though. For example, why can’t Donald Trump, who lives in a gold-plated mansion, get a decent hair-do?

Also, what is THIS?

That’s right, if The Donald gets the nod from The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, he’ll be able to exclusively slap the words “You’re Fired” on clothing and “games and playthings,” and use it in connection with “casino services.

I suggest that he use the proceeds from this trademark to do something with his hair.

Pick one: Bigotry, lying, or stupidity

Rhea County has reversed a vote to ban homosexuals. The said they thought it was a ban on gay marriage not a ban on gays. Yeah, and there’s currently a monkey flying out of my butt.

Either they realized bigotry doesn’t sell (even in small towns) and are lying about it. Or they are all totally incompetent and didn’t read the bill. Or maybe they’re part of the 52% of functionally illiterate Tennesseans. I report, you decide.

More non-existent liberal bias in the Republican controlled media conglomerate

Someone explain to me why it is that when I go the Google News Alert page and enter Assault Weapons that JoinTogether, a blatantly agenda driven organization, shows up as news. Yet, the NRA’s (another agenda driven organization) press releases don’t?

Update: Turns out to me that is similar to other news.

Assault Weapons Round Up

Stephen Erwin tackles some issues with the Assault Weapons Ban:

While the pro-gun community has relied on the same tired old arguments for ending the Ban, they have totally ignored the best arguments available. The AWB has actually increased the ownership of assault weapons by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of guns. In nine years not a singe person has been denied access to a high capacity semi-auto rifle because of price or availability. And a large percentage of the banned guns are identical to the high capacity 9mm handguns carried as duty guns by our nation’s police. When these facts are pointed out in a letter to the editor the anti-gunners rarely even try to respond.

This is possible because the law doesn’t ban the sale or ownership of any weapon made before 1995. It only bans the manufacture of semi-auto rifles (one shot per trigger pull) with folding stocks, pistol grips, and bayonet lugs. It also bans the manufacture of semi-auto rifles and pistols that hold more than ten bullets.

The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms was charged with keeping statistics on assault weapons, but their web site is strangely silent on assault weapons sales. It’s almost as if they want to keep sales figures a secret.

The site does list import and manufacturing information for the years 1986 to 2000. In the three years before the law was passed 3,049,320 more rifles and 4,330,383 more handguns were manufactured and imported than in the average of all the covered years before and after. There can be little doubt that dealers where stockpiling the guns in advance of the AWB.

In fact the market was glutted. The prices of many rifles fell by as much as 50 percent. In 1993 AK-47 style semi-autos sold for $400 to $600. I bought mine for $185 in 1995 and they are still easy to find for under $400.

A nice letter to the editor tells the editor to maybe have an educational session about Assault Weapons since they obviously don’t seem to know what Assault Weapons are.

More letters to the WaPo fact checking their gun reporting. They should attend the educational session mentioned above.

Armed with hysteria and lies, JoinTogether is pushing for the AWB in Maryland.

March 18, 2004

Exploding Glock Update

I posted here about exploding Glocks. Pat tells us all about it. Long and short of it is to use jacketed ammo and not just lead ammo.

Thanks Pat!

Liars and crooks

I’m already sick of campaign season. During the primaries, the Democrats beat up on Bush (and Dean too). Now that Bush is beating back, they cry foul. Says Kerry: Bring it on. They bring it on and he cries like a little girl. The GOP tries to focus on terrorism at first, but those awful 9/11 images were rude say the Democrats.

The Republicans are running fake news ads. And some call Kerry a traitor. The GOP is in attack mode and going for the jugular. The Democrats response to most of it is to whine. The only analogy I can come up with is that it’s like watching Eddie Haskell beat up a smaller Eddie Haskell. Who do you root for? At the end of the day, your only consolation is that Eddie Haskell gets his ass kicked, even though Eddie Haskell also wins.

The fact is, they’re all full of shit. Health care is supposedly one of the top issues. Yeah, and it has been since 19fucking92 and not a thing has been done. And it won’t be because then they have nothing to talk about, other than abortions and whether or not homosexuals have equal rights. It’s amazing to me that these bozos spend so much of my (and your) money and nothing meaningful ever really gets done.

It’s going to be a long eight months.

Fake news isn’t new

It seems there’s this kerfuffle about video news releases that really aren’t news but are ads for Mediscare. The media is apparently upset and issuing warnings about the ads.

Seems to me that this problem is rather indicative of the fact the press gives us fake or exaggerated news all the time. I think it speaks more that these ads are, on the surface, believable.

Hey now, that was my joke

Xrlq pokes some fun at Spoons for his blog advice. SayUncle started it.

Update: It seems Robert Douglas is sucking up to Spoons.

Rhea County Back Track

Barry is all over the Rhea County gay law proposal. The latest development is that they are backpedaling. It seems they failed to realize that stupidity does tend to get national attention.

Signs of desperation follow up: I was wrong

In this post, I mentioned the announcement of an announcement and my prediction what the lawsuit would be. I was wrong, by the way. Turns out the lawsuit is even sillier than I thought. Well, here’s the announcement:

Washington, D.C. – The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with the Million Mom March today filed a federal lawsuit charging Attorney General Ashcroft and the Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) with violating the law by allowing gun manufacturers to make thousands of new illegal assault weapons.

The lawsuit, filed today in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, is based in part on documents obtained from ATF through the Freedom of Information Act – before Congress moved this year to shield the agency from FOIA requests. The suit charges Ashcroft and ATF with allowing gun makers to violate the 1994 statute banning the manufacture, sale and possession of semiautomatic assault weapons (“Assault Weapon Act”).

The documents obtained through FOIA included private correspondence between ATF and Bushmaster Firearms of Windham, Maine in which ATF repeatedly gave Bushmaster permission to manufacture new “receivers” to replace damaged receivers for semiautomatic assault weapons that were possessed before the Assault Weapon Act went into effect in 1994 and thus were protected by the Act’s “grandfather” clause.

Here’s how it works, a receiver (the piece of metal at the bottom of this picture) is the only part that is legally considered a gun (i.e., it’s the only part that requires a background check and registration). What happens is someone has a grandfathered Assault Weapon and submits the entire gun for repair. However, the repairs involve replacing the receiver. The receiver is replaced. Therefore, the Brady’s argue, Bushmaster has made an illegal Assault Weapon. The ATF said that this is OK.

Again, the anti-gun crowd has proven the Assault Weapons Ban is pretty much junk that is based on technicalities that really result in nothing.

Update: On second thought, it seems this action epitomizes desperation because they are basically trying to engage in any thing that draws attention to the Assault Weapons Ban. Pathetic. Sad.

Welcome Back

After a month long hiatus due to denial of service attacks, DogReader is back. Glad to see it.

More non-existent liberal bias in the Republican controlled media conglomerate

Ravenwood quotes Phillip Van Cleave:

As Sarah Brady spoke the TV cameras were rolling. As soon as she and the anti’s gave their side, the news cameras packed up and left. The opponents (pro-gun) then spoke to the committee.

Computer Warning

Apparently, it’s pretty easy to google up passwords. Careful out there.

BSL Alert

The mayor in Adrian, MI suggested a pit bull ban. Local pet owners are out protesting the ban. Good for them.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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