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I Love Yard Sales!

I just an entire set of World Book Encyclopedias for THREE DOLLARS!

Now I need a bookshelf…

4 Responses to “I Love Yard Sales!”

  1. Brian A. Says:

    What does a new set of encyclopedias run these days, anyway?

  2. Thibodeaux Says:

    No idea. I imagine that business is worse than ever for the encyclopedia salesmen, what with the Internet and stuff.

    This set is from 1986, by the way, so it’s not exactly cutting edge.

  3. triticale Says:

    We just donated a complet Brittanica, with yearbooks and atlas, which cost us hundreds we could ill-afford back in the ’70s, to the used book store at the Milwaukee Public Library. They may get as much as $50 for it.

    I do find some spectacular deals at yard sales, but I find them labor intensive compared to thrift stores. My best bargains come out of the dumpsters in office and industrial parks.

  4. Thibodeaux Says:

    Whee! Dumpster diving!

    I used to work at the public library back home, and periodically they would throw out books that nobody was reading. I snagged a bunch of hard-bound sci-fi and G. Gordon Liddy’s Will.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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