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Toy gun ban

Kathy links to this piece on an effort to ban toy guns. Asinine excerpt:

The spirit behind the Towns bill is outrage that toy guns exist at all. “It seems that the only thing toy guns accomplish,” Towns wrote in a letter to congressional colleagues, “is to make it easier to commit a crime or whet kids’ appetite for a real gun when they get older. They serve no purpose in society and should be banned.”

My child hasn’t been born yet and s/he already has his/er first real gun.

3 Responses to “Toy gun ban”

  1. Chuck Says:

    My three got a bb gun when they turned 5. I always bought one with the safety. And I demanded they treat it for what it was, a gun. Now it’s my grand kids and the first turns 5 next year.
    The kids that don’t know anything about guns are the ones that get you killed.

  2. Indigo Says:

    (to Chuck) No wonder it’s getting harder and harder for you to be humble!!!! YOU’RE ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About guns, anyhow. 😉

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Absolutely chuck. Kids with no exposure are more dangerous. Why? Mom and dad may not have them but they could find mine or the neighbors.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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