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Alrighty then

This makes me wonder if Justin’s girlfriend reads his blog.

4 Responses to “Alrighty then”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    If she does, I’ll wager she’s not his girlfriend for very much longer. 🙂 At least, she shouldn’t be. She fucked up. It happens. No need to be a dickhead about it, particularly not in a semi-public forum.

    Like school in the summertime…

  2. Arrogant Bastard Says:

    Yeah she reads it from time to time and no, I don’t give a rats ass what she (and you) think(s) about it nor do I care about “it” being in a public forum.

  3. Bjorn Says:

    Thank goodness I got a techno/financial literate “better half.” She not only knows how to check our account online (causing me to think twice before buying that third or fourth round), but she actually asks me before buying something. But it does suck when things get screwed up like that, especially when it was easy to prevent.

  4. Justin Says:

    People assume that I live my blog 24/7 vs using it as a sounding board to vent my feelings…much like a diary per se. Its an outlet people.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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