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Maybe Some Training Is In Order

Per the KNS:

A half-dozen Knox County sheriff’s deputies fired 28 shots at a suicidal man wielding a pellet gun and bearing a target on his chest, superficially wounding him with a single round.

28 rounds and one hit. And these guys are professionals. Site alignment, trigger squeeze, fellas.

7 Responses to “Maybe Some Training Is In Order”

  1. Drake Says:

    One thing I was taught in carry class, in TN you are financially responsible for where every shot ends up.

    Sounds like the KCSD isn’t under any such contraints.

  2. BSTommy Says:

    If I’m the suicidal man, though, I’m taking it as a sign that I am not supposed to die yet.

  3. Guy Montag Says:

    Sounds like Knox Co. is recruiting ex-NYC cops.

  4. Les Jones Says:

    Those deputies must have taken shooting lessons from that guy who tried to kill Jon Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction.

    Come to think of it, Tommy’s right. Those misses convinved Jackson’s character that – Bad Motherfucker or not – God was giving him a sign that he needed to change his ways.

  5. Drake Says:

    The subtle dig in the Sentinel was pretty hilarious…the guy had a target on his chest. Most silhouettes in gun ranges are shaped in that manner…so I am sure the deputies trained on something similiar. That’s pretty pathetic if you ask me.

  6. Publicola Says:

    There are some cops who are good shots, but unfortunately,, or fortunately depending upon your circumstances, most cops simply aren’t that skilled in the use of arms. Now I’m not talking about rural cops who hunt & target shoot recreatinally on a larger scale than their urban counterparts, or the occassional urban cop who joins the force cause they provide so much free ammo. But the average cop now is probably less inclined to practice more than necessary to qualify annually or semi-annualy.
    In short I’m not too worried if the local PD decides to break down my door & come after my guns. I am petrified that they’d try to shoot someone standing next to me though. 🙂

  7. Kevin Baker Says:

    Oh, that’s TOO rich. Twenty-five to thirty yards and they can’t hit a man in the torso.

    Great training indeed.

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