Archive for July, 2003

July 09, 2003

Must be weird day or something

A Washington County judge has put a couple in jail after authorities found the bodies of more than two dozen cats in their freezer.

Not Quite Weird

Stonehenge is apparently porn.


They’ve apparently found a South American piranha in Alcoa, Tennessee.

July 08, 2003

Campaign Finance Reform (giggle)

Bjorn has a good piece on fundraising:

A new study by the Center for Responsive Politics found that in the last election cycle, people who gave less than $200 to politicians or parties gave 64 percent of their money to Republicans. Just 35 percent went to Democrats. On the other hand, the Center found that people who gave $1 million or more gave 92 percent to Democrats — and a whopping eight percent to Republicans.

I thought Republicans catered to the wealthy? Why are the wealthy then contributing to Democrats? Tis ponderous.

Gratuitious Plug

Bill has asked folks to link to Econopundit to help win the Blog Showcase. I blogrolled Econopundit a while back and it is definitely a good read.

Go check out this post and link to it to cast a vote for this fine blog.

I’ve Told You A Billion Times Not to Exaggerate

The anti-war crowd is all over the story about Bush incorrectly stating that Iraq sought uranium. The anti-war crowd also holds falsely to a belief that the war was entirely about weapons of mass destruction (or oil, depending on the day of the week).

The war was actually the result of several things:

Weapons of mass destruction and/or intent to make them
Violation of UN resolutions
Gross human rights violations
Fighting terrorism
Hussein is(was) generally an evil bastard

OK, I just put that last one in there. Bush was wrong to lie about uranium, if he lied. However, it is entirely possible that at the time it was believed to be true by the intelligence that the administration was privy to.

The anti-war crowd seems to conveniently forget the other reasons for the war. Their response is always to enquire about the weapons. Where are they? This is a very short-sighted measure of the war. Some people just oppose all war, and that is at least a somewhat morally respectable position. However, the rest fall into the category of believing that Bush can never be right about anything, ever.

I think the human rights violations alone warranted the action. This is based on the assumption that liberating the people will do more good than harm. For example, it would be impossible to liberate China without massive casualties. Therefore, the risk involved may not be worth the cost of millions of Chinese lives or a nuke lobbed at the West Coast. In addition, the anti-war crowd seems to think the word unilateral means without liberal approval. There was more than one country involved in the operation.

Does this mean I’d support efforts to remove the Mullah’s in Iran? Or to liberate Zimbabwe? Yes, assuming said liberation would be worth the cost in human lives.

I realize that quantifying the cost is fairly subjective and, arguably, cruel. Per Iraqometer, there have been roughly 6,000 civilian casualties. Is this a price that warrants action? Some say no. However, the former Iraqi regime likely would kill and torture many more than that over time. I would conclude that the cost is worth it. I (as one of those people not killed nor at risk of being killed) can easily sit back and say that. Also, the anti-war crowd just as easily can sit while people continue to suffer under Hussein because the suffering doesn’t affect them.

Ultimately, I’d like to have seen the people themselves revolt but that couldn’t happen due to the military stranglehold and overwhelming fear in the country. Intervention was needed.

I think the situation in Iran could lead to mass murder. If the people do revolt and the Mullahs are scared, people are going to die. Is it worth it? That’s up to the people to decide. If US intervention increases their chances and minimizes the risk, then I’m all for it as well.

Bong Shopping

Bubba has some advice for hippies doing business or trying to do business, while alienating a large demographic.


Good for the goose

Buck tells us about the good kind of government spying.

More Lost Guns

A TVA nuclear plant has lost a gun.

The government seems to be losing a lot of guns lately.

By my count, the government has reported putting 802 guns on the street in five days. I thought all the big ol’ evil guns came from gun shows?

Wait a moment

I thought Republicans were the party of smaller government? But the Federal Register is now the longest ever.

I guess whichever party isn’t in power is the party of smaller government. Funny how that works.

More Tax Cuts

Apparently, we states without income taxes pay more federal income taxes than other states with income taxes. So, here’s a law proposal that will allow us to deduct sales taxes.

Guess I need to start keeping receipts.

Guess SKB and Barry Are Happy

MSNBC fired Michael Savage Weiner for his anti-gay remarks:

The popular radio talk show host who did a weekend TV show for the cable channel referred to an unidentified caller to his show Saturday as a “sodomite” and said he should “get AIDS and die.”

July 07, 2003

Congrats Barry

Barry (the crazy one not the other one) won the blog showcase. Congrats!

Not Clear On The Concept

The nation’s self-proclaimed third largest political party Thursday called for the impeachment of the six Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn a Texas law banning homosexual sodomy.

That party would be the Constitution Party. Maybe they need to give it another read or two.

And I thought Libertarians were the third largest party.

Should be a bigger story

A judge says having small amounts of pot is OK, if you’re not selling it.

From Unknownews, who recently redesigned their site for the better.

July 06, 2003

Kick Ass!

Discovered that behind my house is (at a guess) about 2 acres of blackberry bushes. Picked enough today to give the in-laws two quarts, keep a quart for me to make some cobbler tonight, and to fill a large four quart freezer bag.

Sweet! Going back next weekend. Yum.


July 04, 2003

Get Well Freedom

Hello Freedom, we don’t talk much these days. Sure, I spend a lot of time talking about you; or rather talking about how, in your old age, you seem to be a bit under the weather. But we haven’t talked in a while.

Who can blame me? Whenever something bad happens, it seems you’re the first thing that suffers, being whittled away a little bit at a time. Be it in the name of security, in the name of God, to prevent crime, to preserve a wet piece of land that a duck may look it, political agenda, or for the children, you seem to be the first thing our leaders (if you want to call them that) are willing to sacrifice. I’m so wrapped up in talking about you that I never really do any thing to help you out of this slump you’re in. It’s not entirely my fault though. Those same leaders I mentioned earlier make it difficult, or impossible, or just expensive to help you out. I hope this is just a mid-life crisis you’re going through. I don’t think the nation could bear it if you’re just too old of a concept for us. I never take the opportunity to thank you for what you’ve done for generations of Americans. Thanks for being there and I wish you a speedy recovery.

I also have to put some of the blame on you for us not talking so much. You haven’t been around much lately. I know it’s not you’re fault because people are working against you and some are too busy just working to notice, but maybe you could step up a bit. Maybe take some vitamins, work out some, or just show the world a reminder of what you’re capable of. I’ll keep checking in on you from time to time. I also wish you’d check in on me every once in a while. We shouldn’t have to go it alone.

Someone once said your price was eternal vigilance and that is a high price indeed. It’s hard to be watchful when you’re busy planning for retirement, having dinner with old friends, working long hours, following the news, entertaining yourself, raising children, putting food on the table, being good little consumers, and partaking in a couple of extraneous hobbies here and there. I do make an effort to see how you’re doing but I never take the time to really do much about it, other than complain. And there are a lot of people just like me who are not doing all that much either; most of them were elected. It’s not entirely their fault because we the people are not keeping our eye on them or holding them to account for their actions.

Even those who take it upon themselves to be your guard dog are often misguided by ideologies, pettiness, and shortsightedness. At least they’re trying but often only when it is convenient or fits a particular political objective.

Someone else said that those who would choose security over you will have and deserve neither you nor security. It seems, as a nation, we (or at least our leaders) are far more concerned about being safe than being with you. I guess being with you requires a lot more responsibility than most of us are willing to accept. Maybe you and security need to get together and iron this thing out because it doesn’t look like we’re capable of doing it.

Get well soon.

Happy Birthday, Freedom!

July 03, 2003

Well, I’ll be . .

Looks like a group of guys are trying to get the Supreme Court to look at the Second Amendment. The NRA was no where to be found.

Update: I really don’t think the court will take this or any other gun case for a long time. It has had plenty of opportunity to take the issue up and hasn’t since 1939. The SCOTUS has been generally spineless and without teeth for some time. Many lower courts have held the collective right argument and never made it to the SCOTUS. The courts seems happy to have different laws in different parts of the country. Anything to avoid gun controversy.

Five Day Waiting Period for Sparklers?

Per the Daily Times:

Yet, some retailers like Gorilla Fireworks and Atomic Fireworks of South Pittsburg, which supplies Fireworks Super Store in Lenoir City, have reported some regular customers hesitated to buy fireworks this year because of unwarranted concerns they need a license.

A license is not required to buy fireworks.

Despite the confusion, Suttles reported brisk sales, especially this week.

At Fireworks Super Store, manager Teresa Brock said the only real change she’s noticed this year is a visit from the Federal Aviation Administration.

The FAA stopped by to drop off posters alerting customers that they cannot fly with fireworks.

Apparently, the new rules only apply to people putting on fireworks shows and not individuals purchasing fireworks. People putting on fireworks shows must go through the same process as people purchasing explosives.

Hey, you got your God in my government

Says Bush: : What I do support is a notion that marriage is between a man and a woman.

I think marriage is between two people who are committed to each other. And from a purely legal point of view, marriage essentially represents a contract. This notion that it’s only for men and women is definitely religiously based. What does it matter to the government if that contract is between men, women, or both?

Gun Control for the Government

The US wouldn’t sell a stockpile of M1s to civilians due to bureaucratic bungling (lost the link sorry). But if you wait around long enough, they might lose them. Federal officials can’t account for 800 guns issued to federal agents. And a gun used in the workplace shooting from a couple of days ago used to belong to the Highway Patrol.

Also, a man’s house was raided and guns he manufactured there were confiscated. But:

Authorities said it is not illegal to make weapons in Maryland.

Then why were the guns confiscated? The article mentions other charges. I’d like to know what those are.

July 02, 2003

For the love of a dog

This is one of the most heartrending things I’ve read.

However, Fred won’t be getting any sympathy from me. He will get a reminder that he was a thoughtful caregiver. And he will get a thank you for reminding me how lucky I am to have two very special dogs.

Thanks Fred! And Godspeed Buster.

Hubble Shows the Hand of God

And he’s angry.

Via UnknownNews.


It used to be that every weekend me and my lovely wife would do the mandatory shopping. I abhorred the experience because I hate fighting the crowd at these colossal Mega-Wal-K-Cost-Sam-Food-Lo-Mart-Clubs. I, trying to reason with my wife, told her that maybe she should just go alone. After all, she knows what we need and I never do. In fact, I can never find stuff that we do have.

We have a large pantry. Whenever I ask the location of a particular item, it’s invariably in the pantry. I’ve decided that there must be some Star Trek space-time continuum anomaly in our pantry because everything is in it and it shouldn’t fit:

Me: Where’s the AAA batteries?

The wife: Pantry.

Me: Where’s the vinegar?

The wife: Pantry, where it’s always been.

Me: Where’s my Les Paul?

The wife: Pantry.

Me: Where’s my car keys?

The wife: In the pantry, dammit, stop asking.

Me: Where are the dogs?

The wife: Outside or maybe in the pantry.

Me: Where’s my car?

The wife: Pantry, just like every thing else you ask about.

Me: Where’s an electable Democratic Presidential candidate?

The wife: Pantry and now you’re just being silly.

The pantry scares me. It scares me because even though every possession we have is in it, I can never find what I’m looking for. Then I call the wife in to help look for it and she immediately finds it. Much more surprising (to me and not to the wife) is that I’m always looking right at whatever item I am looking for but can’t see it. Must be that space-time continuum thing phasing stuff in and out of reality.

The wife didn’t like my suggestion that she go shopping alone, she wanted me to go. Then, in an effort to ensure one of us enjoys our Saturday morning, I told her I would go if she gave me a list and that she could stay home. Again, she didn’t like that idea because (even if I have a list) I’ll forget stuff, like food. Defeated, I was resided in the fact that I would spend every Saturday morning at a Mega-Wal-K-Cost-Sam-Food-Lo-Mart-Club.

On shopping day, we’d wonder around the Mega-Wal-K-Cost-Sam-Food-Lo-Mart-Club and the wife was always shocked at the bill. As we were checking out, the barrage of questions from my wife would come: Who put the Nutter-Butters in? Do we need that? I wouldn’t answer since I thought it was rhetorical because there were only two of us shopping and, yes, I want err we need that.

In the course of various shopping excursions and one jar of pickled sausages, four packs of Nutter-Butters, a USB mouse, a five pound box of Blow Pops, three boxes of Oreos, an umbrella, a couple of gun magazines, a video game, many cases of beer, teens of candy bars, various soft drinks, and one remote controlled robot too many, the wife one day gets stuck shopping alone because I had made plans with a friend. She realized that when I’m not shopping with her, that we spend about 25% less than when I go.

I don’t go shopping much any more (because I’m not invited) unless she needs me to lift heavy things. And that is always to Lowe’s or some place I actually want to go. I think that’s why women get married. They need someone to lift heavy things, mow, and get really ornery lids off of jars.

I don’t miss shopping all that much.

Well, duh!

The Conservatarian has an interesting post discussing activist groups and their unwillingness to actually fix problems. That would be a big list, to name a few: NRA, ACLU, and Rainbow/Push

Good Stuff

Alphecca has a nice little post about how the Constitution is doing. Give it a read.

He also has one of the coolest charts I’ve seen in a while.

Silly Observation

I find it interesting that in this article about a dog mauling, they mention the breed of dog (a Rottweiler). But in this article about a shooting, there is no mention of the type of gun used.

This is the sort of information people want to know.

Telemarketer Trouble

If you have time, this looks fun:

Plaisted started calling the Minnesota Auto Glass’s Duluth office last Thursday, and placed more than 100 calls, he said.

“I just called them every five minutes and let them know that, no, I don’t have a crack in my windshield, because this seems to be something they are very concerned about,” Plaisted said.

July 01, 2003

Quote of the Day

God save me from people who want to save me.

The Parent Rap

Caught a rerun of The Simpsons last night entitled The Parent Rap. Such an outstanding show. A few choice lines from it:

Why that punishment seems so cruel . . . and unusual.

Creative sentencing is very popular these days. That’s why Bill Clinton is our mail man.

Ahh! Cobras . . . Cobras.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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