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A voice from the dead

Memphis man Mike Hollihan (who needs to get that new blog going ASAFP) emails this story about a pistol packing preacher (I am a mean MM MM servant of God? – bonus for the reference).

AlphaPatriot and Kevin have told us that the response by officials in Memphis to the rash of justified shootings in self-defense has been to warn citizens not to go shooting people willy-nilly or we’ll persecute err prosecute you. They do this instead of warning people that if you try to victimize others, you may get your punk ass shot (six or more times, in some cases).

Rev. Louis Brenton is armed everywhere he goes, sometimes with the Bible but always with a Glock 23.

Brenton said carrying a gun makes him feel more at ease in Memphis. He’s prepared to defend himself if he is ever attacked.

He is capable of dishing out some justice and last rites (I realize he’s not Catholic). This good Reverend has a congregation going:

Cassandra Holland, 32, knows that feeling, too. The Loomis Fargo & Co. employee was robbed at gunpoint in 2000.

“Every time I went to sleep, I’d see that gun in my face,” she said. “So, I said, ‘No more.’ ”

If it happens again, she said, she’s not afraid to pull the .32-caliber pistol she just bought. “I’m ready,” she said. “If you come in my house and I don’t know who you are, I’ll fire on you.”

I recommend Cassandra purchase a .45. Religious differences, I suppose.

And the Reverend’s flock is growing:

With the recent wave of armed robberies and home invasions, many are weighing the decision to carry a gun.

The rest of the article consists of various sycophants trying to convince you that packing heat isn’t such a good idea. They’re wrong. It is a good idea, just educate yourself and practice. Packing requires responsibility.

4 Responses to “A voice from the dead”

  1. Barry Says:

    So if a fellow snags your wallet in public, and the area is reasonably clear of innocent bystanders, would you shoot him?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    That depends, do i have cash in my wallet or IDs and stuff?

    ’cause going to the DMV is a pain and really one less wallet snatcher won’t hurt no one. If he took cash only, i’d let him go.

    In all seriousness, no. The law is very clear that shooting is only justifiable if you or someone else are in danger.

  3. Barry Says:

    Part of the article (actually, the commentary around the article) you cite discusses whether home-owners are justified in shooting a home-intruder. In California apparently, where this shooting took place, it is illegal to shoot an intruder unless you are convinced you our your family’s safety is threatened. I.e., if you shoot him and he was just after your stereo, you can be prosecuted. Right or wrong, that’s how the law is there.

    Now, I’m sure in 90% of the cases, the benefit of the doubt would lie with the homeowner – how can you be sure the intruder wouldn’t harm you? – and when the defender is female there is no legal challenge (it’s assumed they will be attacked and/or raped).

    In Texas, there is no such restriction. I have no idea what the law is in Tennessee.

    I can’t imagine myself pulling a trigger against anyone – even with all the horrible scenarios I might dream up of when I might be forced to to protect my family, I still have trouble visualizing it. But to shoot someone who you are fairly confident they’re not going to hurt you…well, that’s why I keep a baseball bat handy under my side of the bed. I’m 6’2, 200lbs, and I think it would probably be as effective and less lethal. I have a horrible fear for my eternal soul if I kill someone, justified or not. Maybe it’s a religious thing, more than just simple morality. I know that not every policeman or soldier in the world is damned if they kill a crook or enemy, but that’s what they do. Me, I design websites and act…

    It’s something I struggle with, and I just don’t know what I’d do when the chips were down, the bad guy was staring up at me from the bottom of my stairs, and I had a gun. I hope I never have to find out.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    We all hope we never find out.

    Tennessee is similar in that the criteria for justifiably shooting a miscreant has to involve a perceivable threat to safety.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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