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Weekend flame bait

tgirsch’s proposed gun law.

9 Responses to “Weekend flame bait”

  1. Linoge Says:

    Right, because law-abiding Jews… er… firearm-owners have absolutely nothing to fear about registering themselves on some governmentally-controlled roster. Nothing at all.

    Of course, we still have the whole logical disconect of “Oh, sure, criminals will follow this law!” to contend with as well…

  2. anon Says:

    Duly flamed! Let’s see if he deletes comments.

  3. Robb Allen Says:

    That man is going to give Uranium a run for its money on the density thing.

  4. Dan Says:

    Short but hits all the standard marks, like using ‘fair and reasonable’ somewhere in the line. Of course, it lacks complete originality.

  5. Alcibiades McZombie Says:

    Gun registration in an anti-gun state is like putting a compulsive gambler in charge of petty cash.

    I might be willing to allow for an optional federal license of some sort (similar to C&R, but less restrictive). The benefit would be that the holder does not have to comply with most state or local firearms laws (mwa ha ha ha).

  6. Stormy Dragon Says:

    To quote Admiral Akbar, “IT’S A TRAP!”

    I bet tomorrow there’s going to be a post to the effect, ‘If it’s not okay to require photo-ID to buy a gun, why is it okay to require one to vote?’

  7. SayUncle Says:

    but we do require photo ID for a gun.

  8. Stormy Dragon Says:

    I know that Say Uncle. That’s part of why I think it’s a rhetorical trap. The proposed law seems to have been made by taking a voter id law and replacing ‘voter’ with ‘gun owner’, whether it made sense or not.

  9. tgirsch Says:

    But you don’t have to register.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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