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At least it’s honest

Lee Gaillard says the second amendment is obsolete. It beats relying on the collective rights mythology. Repealing it would be impossible.

Rustmeister has more.

So does Greg.

2 Responses to “At least it’s honest”

  1. Chas Says:

    Believing that the Second Amendment is obsolete means believing that it’s okay for people to smash your teeth with a claw hammer because you’re too testosterone-challenged to own a gun with which to protect yourself.
    The laws against murder allow Mr. Gaillard to argue his idiocy with impunity, and the laws of probability have kept his teeth safe for now, but he might be a sadder and wiser man if some ill should befall him. He might then get himself a gun so that it doesn’t happen again, and have nothing more to say about the Second Amendment with his new false teeth.
    And then there’s the usual government thuggery to be kept at bay to consider as well. The Second Amendment is a vital part of modern America and must remain so, or this country will go to hell in a hand basket and will irresponsible people like Mr. Gaillard then take responsibility for that? I don’t think so. I can hear the ineffectual whining now, “But we never meant for America to become so totalitarian; back then we just wanted to get rid of the guns.”

  2. chris Says:

    What a statist twerp.

    Who gets to decide when the need of a part of our Constitution is no longer valid.

    I am sure that Gaillard can look into the Constitution and see institutions such as mandated school busing, the Constitutional right to have an abortion, and the fact that equal protection under the laws permits state funded universities to use race as a factor in admitting and rejecting applicants.

    It is also noteworthy that Gaillard didn’t appear to read any history about the 2A, but instead it referred to the need for a standing army.

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