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Boy, were my predictions hopes wrong. I actually figured it would be Huckabee then McCain.

I was completely wrong on the Democrat primary. I thought (snark aside) that it would be Clinton, Edwards, Obama.

My thoughts? I hope Iowa isn’t indicative of the rest of the country (though they have a history of predicting eventual winners). Big government liberal v. big government Evangelical liberal doesn’t exactly give me hope. Huckabee is good on guns, though. And Obama is horrid on guns.

The good news is that Iowans voted for not quite the worst candidates. I mean, it could have been Romney and Clinton. Or Giuliani and Clinton. I guess there’s that to be thankful for.

And this time I didn’t make any serious predictions. Usually, in these political contests, I make beer bets. I’m 100% on my bets for political races (I lost one beer to an American Idol prediction) but this year, I could not get a feel for it. Still can’t.

5 Responses to “Iowa”

  1. ben Says:

    I can’t see how Edwards would be less bad than Clinton.

    That page on wiki gives me hope for Thompson, thanks!

  2. Sean Braisted Says:

    Don’t we have a beer bet out there?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Do we? I forget. I’m sure the bet wasn’t ‘obama can’t win iowa’.

  4. Sean Braisted Says:

    No, its that he would win the nomination and the presidency…I’m one step closer to the first one…though I wish you had taken my bet on Fred Thompson being President.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Aha. Your search-fu is better than mine.

    I still stand by that bet. Double or nothing, even.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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