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Email Policy

If you’re one of those people who knows someone who was killed or wounded by a pit bull or a gun, then feels the need to search the web because the tragedy has made you want to become some sort of an activist or something, and then you find my site in the process of researching; do me a favor. Don’t email me and tell me crap like pit bulls are killers (duh, all dogs are. They have pointy teeth for a reason) and that guns are bad (no gun ever killed anyone, a person had to pull the trigger). It’s a waste of your time and, more importantly, mine. When hysterical and angry about something, you’re not at your best in terms of convincing me of anything and I won’t even try to convince you because it’s pointless. And, to be honest, I don’t want to hear it.

Or as noted at Drug War Rant:

Well, there ya go. Victims are always right, after all. Suffering a tragedy bestows infallibility upon the victim — a kind of karmic reward for having lost something.

Which is why it makes so much sense to base law and policy on the hysterical ravings of angry, freaked-out victims. They and they alone possess the clarity of thought and the kind of wise, sober, carefully crafted ideas that make for good policy.

And anything you email me I will consider for print unless you tell me otherwise. Actually, even if you tell me not to and say something particularly stupid or hysterical, I might print it anyway. I’m just that sort of guy.

Having said all that and you decide you still want to email me, you can email me at:

3 Responses to “Email Policy”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    I get the same thing every time I talk about some bad guy thug that was shot and killed while committing armed robbery. About a month after writing about it I get the ubiquitous “but he was a devoted husband and father..” bullshit in the email and comments.

  2. cube Says:

    Criminals getting shot and killed, is one of the few things that warms my cold heart.

  3. Marc Says:

    Sorry about that. When I lost my gun I was so angry and upset that I thought all guns were evil. Turns out that my pit bull had stolen it to use as a chew toy. Thats when in my fear and anger I came to realise that pit bulls ARE killers.

    Hey – he was armed! 😉

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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