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Dumb law

A bill to prevent people with learner’s permits from talking on a cell phone while driving is on its way to the Governor.

6 Responses to “Dumb law”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    What kind of parent lets their kid do that? What else do they tech kids? How to smoke and drive? How to eat cheeseburgers and drive?

  2. cube Says:

    I want to teach my kids how to drive with their eye’s closed, if they can do that they will be able to do anything.

  3. markm Says:

    I could save so much time if I could drive while sleeping. What do you mean,there’s no law against it? Well, then, I guesss it’s OK. (/sarcasm)

  4. Manish Says:

    Dumb law

    I agree its dumb. It should apply to everyone driving a car at all times. Studies have shown (like this one) that talking on a cellphone while driving is similar to being legally drunk.

    The fact of the matter is that driving is a responsibility, and its a responsibility that few people take seriously enough. When you are driving you are in control of a several thousand pound piece of metal capable of going 60, 70 miles an hour. It is very easy for you to do something that will change someones life forever, be it a fellow driver, pedestrian or cyclist. Yet far too many people don’t concentrate on the road enough and spend far too much time talking on their cellphone, playing with their radio, drinking coffee and other stuff like that.

  5. Ravenwood Says:


    Try as you may, you cannot legislate common sense. When cell phones are outlawed, only outlaws will have cell phones.

  6. Manish Says:

    Ravenwood…would you suggest that we legalize drinking and driving? Nobody’s saying we should outlaw cellphones..just like no one is saying we should outlaw alcohol.

    The law isn’t going to change much until people start to realize that driving is a responsibility and start taking it seriously..similar to how society has changed its views on drinking and driving.

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